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Elysia sat in her office, the end of her pen resting between her teeth as she stared down at a downworlders file. Her eyes were scanning through the papers when a knock sounded at her door. "Come in!"

One of her fellow shadowhunters walked in with Madam inquisitor following behind her. Elysia looked up and stood up immediately when she saw the woman. Madam inquisitor looked back at the shadow hunter, who looked at Elysia and left when she nodded at them.

Once the door closed, Elysia looked back to the inquisitor, "Madam inquisitor, I wasn't aware you were stopping by. Please," she gestured her to the chair across from her as the two women sat down. "What can I do for you?"

Madam inquisitor cleared her throat and sat down, "Yes, I apologize for stopping in unannounced. Elysia, you have been doing exceptionally well as the head of the institute here in Toronto."

"Thank you." Elysia smiled at the woman as she rested her hands on the edge of her desk. "I appreciate it deeply."

"We needed someone to get this place in line, to lead these shadow hunters, to help save mundanes and deal with the downworlders." The woman said as Elysia listened to her—her curiosity of where this was going was strong, "you have proved yourself to be an incredible leader despite your roots."

Elysia looked down with a sigh before she nodded, "yes, well, the clave was very clear with the terms of my position as head of the institute."

The inquisitor had a look of pity on her face, Elysia was someone that she felt sorry for but also had a huge amount of respect for. When the clave offered Elysia the position as head of the Toronto institute, there were some certain terms if she was to take it.


I. If given the position as head of the Toronto institute, Elysia Fairchild is to not have any contact with her family.
(REDACTED: Jocelyn and Clary Fray)

II. Due to her downworld nature, she is not to reveal to any one of her demonic blood or her transformation history.
(REDACTED: Vampire)

III: Elysia Fairchild/Fray is to be known simply as Elysia. No one is to know about her family line to avoid chaos among the institute.
(REDACTED: Elysia Morgenstern - daughter of Valentine Morgenstern)

"Unfortunately, given those terms and conditions, I have to work ten times harder than everyone else. To prove to the clave that I will and i can do this." Elysia told the woman, confidence lacing her tone, her eyes making perfect contact with the inquisitor.

"Well, you have, Miss Morgenstern." Elysia swallowed harshly at the mention of her father's last name. "Which is why, I came to offer you a new place, same position."

Elysia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as to what she meant, "I'm sorry, what does that mean?"

"Our New York institute, it's..." the inquisitor sighed deeply before continuing, "its leadership has fallen. The Lightwoods were previous leaders of the institute but the clave has deemed them unfit as of right now. They need someone who could help get the institute back on track and i voted for you to be the one to do that."

HEAVENLY | SHADOWHUNTERS [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora