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Halloween night at Oxford was always a big deal, and this year was no exception. Phoebe had been looking forward to the party for weeks. She had chosen a costume that she was sure would turn heads: a sultry cat costume, complete with black ears, a tight black dress, and fishnet stockings. Her push-up bra was working overtime, and the outfit clung to her curves in all the right places.

She had decided to get ready in Felix's dorm room, as she often did. Phoebe sat at Felix's desk, enchanted by her own reflection as she applied the final touches to her makeup. She was using a glittery eyeshadow that made her blue eyes pop and a glossy red lipstick that made her lips look even fuller.

Behind her, Felix was stripping out of his normal clothes, getting ready to change into his costume. He was going as a classic vampire, complete with a cape, fangs, and a fake blood capsule for dramatic effect. He wasn't shy about changing in front of Phoebe; their relationship was so comfortable that he wouldn't have minded if she had watched. But Phoebe was too absorbed in her reflection to notice.

Felix glanced over at her, a smirk playing on his lips. He knew how much she loved looking at herself, but he also knew how to snap her out of her self-absorbed moments. Walking over to her, he wrapped his arms around her from behind, his hands resting on her waist.

"You don't need the mirror to tell you that you look amazing," Felix whispered into her ear, "That's what I'm here for."

Phoebe giggled, feeling his hands squeeze her breasts lightly. The familiar warmth of his touch sent a pleasant shiver down her spine. She turned her head slightly to look at him, her eyes sparkling with affection.

"You're too sweet," She said, her voice a soft purr.

Felix smiled and kissed her cheek, his lips lingering for a moment.

"I'm just telling the truth," He said before stepping back to finish getting dressed.

They arrived at the party, which was held in one of the grand old halls of the university. The room was decorated with cobwebs, pumpkins, and spooky lights, creating a festive atmosphere. Music was playing, and people were already dancing and mingling, dressed in a variety of creative and elaborate costumes.

Felix stayed by her side, his presence a comforting anchor. They mingled with the crowd, chatting with friends and making new acquaintances. Phoebe's bubbly personality made her the center of attention, and she reveled in the compliments she received on her costume.

Phoebe quickly found herself with a red Solo cup in hand, filled with some concoction that one of her friends had mixed. She took a sip and smiled—sweet, fruity, and with just the right amount of kick. As the night progressed, she found herself drifting from group to group, laughing, chatting, and enjoying the festive atmosphere.

Despite the offers, Phoebe stuck to alcohol, while Felix and some of their other friends didn't turn down substances other than. She was content with her drink, savoring the familiar buzz that warmed her from the inside out. The music pulsed through the hall, and soon enough, Phoebe was on the dance floor, moving to the beat with her girl friends.

When Nelly Furtado's "Say It Right" began to play, a collective cheer rose from the crowd. Phoebe and her friends came together, dancing close, their bodies moving in sync as they ground against each other to the rhythm of the song. Phoebe felt the music coursing through her, her movements becoming more fluid and sensual. She laughed and twirled, lost in the moment.

Then, she felt a familiar pair of hands on her waist, gently pulling her away from her friends. She turned to see Felix, his eyes gleaming with mischief and something else she couldn't quite place. He pulled her into the center of the dance floor, and they began to move together, their bodies perfectly in sync.

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