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" i think i'm ready to get back into the shop mama ." monei spoke to her mothers grave .

she had been visiting for the past 2 weeks , she realized that she had stopped coming before her incident .

she felt bad but she genuinely had been so caught up in life as much as she hated to say it she really didn't have time .

of course she loved her mother but life was lifing .

she had promised her mother that she wouldn't stop visiting her this time and she intended to keep her promise .

she her father and toya didn't had moved to cali she didn't have anyone to talk to fr except for kado n dymond but she felt like she was just dumping her problems onto people so she just shut up abt shit .

her father came to houston to handle business abt 2-3 times a week she didn't see why he even moved , to monei his little visits still weren't enough .

when he heard about what raz did he was furious , he wanted monei to move to cali and he wanted raz dead

monei felt as if she had so much infront of her in houston though , she had a support system she had the shop , her clients she just felt like it would've been too much of a change .

it took monei a while to regain her peace , get her mind right and her life together but she was back now and she was ready , when she got home today she was going to open up her books again.

her clients had been checking up on her since she closed them , her support was so strong she loved it , she felt it be wrong to not return .

looking at her phone she seen it was almost 3 and she had to go pick asia up since kado was out of town for the week and asia and meech weren't talking right now .

monei got up saying her goodbyes to her mother before leaving and headed to asia's school .

once she got to the car she called ky'mier who answered on the first ring .

" wsp baby " he greeted her making her smile

" heyyy , i miss you " she spoke like they haven't talked everyday since he left and she hadn't told him the same thing each day

" i miss you more ma ma , i can't wait till i get back " he said

" i miss your presence so bad " he spoke again

" whatchu been doing you ate anything today ? " he asked her

" um earlier i just laid in the bed till about 1 , i went to the store went back home to put the groceries up i went to my mom's grave which i just left now im on the way to pick asia up " she said

" i plan to cook but ill get something to eat while im out i guess " she spoke knowing ky didn't like when she didn't eat

" monei pls be eating yk ion like ts , it's not healthy for you to be running around here not eating " he said

" i know i know , i plan to go to the shop today just to clean it out since i plan on opening my books when i get home " she spoke excitedly

she was almost to asia's school

" im proud of you foreal r'monei you've came a long way and im glad you didn't give up " he spoke

" thank you bookie " she said blushing

" ma ma , ima call you later something just came up "

" okay i love you , and please be safe ky'mier " she said

" i love you more , and i got you yk this " he spoke before the like disconnected

monei just sighed she hated what ky did , not because of what he did but because she knew the risk of it , she knew he couldn't get hurt or killed at anytime and she hated having to live with the fear of getting that call or not getting another call from him at all .

pulling into asia's school she got into the line to pick her up

she was trying to help asia get her license so she could start driving.

she even got ky to agree to get asia a car though she didn't need one since ky and monei had multiple cars

after a while asia had came out .

" hey boo " monei greeted her as she got into the car

" heyyy moneiii " asia said smiling , asia really loved monei she seen a big sister in her and monei's presence was just so peaceful to asia

she wished to be just like monei when she got older out the way and independent .

" how was your day pooh ?" monei asked

" it was alright , i hate that me and meech aren't talking right now tho i've been so alone ." she said

" it's just a bump in the road , y'all are young fighting over silly things is just part of the process it'll pass " she said

" you hungry ?" monei asked

" no not really , have you ate today ?" asia asked monei

she didn't say anything at first

" monei you know that's not healthy " asia said

" hull you sound just like your brother " she said rolling her eyes and laughing

" i know but ima cook today so ." she said

" ouu whatchu cooking ?" asia asked

" bbq pork chops , corn and idk something green .." she said

" that sounds good " asia said

" yea im finna go to the shop tho , you wanna come or you wanna just go to the house " monei asked

" um i was actually wondering if you could take me to p's , meech argued to talk to me " she said grinning

i just chuckled , her and meech were cute

meech was mad at her because at school she was getting attention the boys were trying to talk to her and he didn't like that

meech was a player tho that's why asia didn't understand

knowing that they would get over it i stayed out there business as i made the turn to head to p's house asia smiled

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