Year 5

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"Why weren't you at the Grimmauld place?" Harry questioned, walking down the corridor with Henley by his side. The atmosphere between them is calm and comfortable, nothing could defeat this atmosphere between them. Not even the latest danger that will probably fall on him. Oh yeah, Umbridge is now Hogwarts new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. She did not believe that Voldemort was back, even with Cedric alive to tell the story.

"I mean... your parents were there, why weren't you?" Harry said, turning his head to look at Henley while paying attention to where they're going.

"I wanted to keep sending letters to you." Henley answered, a small smile making its way onto his face. "I don't think it's a good idea to stop sending letters to you just because of an order." He said. "And you know how much I don't like being ordered." He turned his head to look at Harry and saw a smile making its way onto the Gryffindor's face.

"Do you believe me?" Harry asked, stopping to turn his body to look at the Ravenclaw.

Henley smiles. "Always, Harry."

Harry smiles, leaning forward and softly kiss Henley on his lips before pulling away. "Thank you." He said, turning his body back to the corridor and starts walking. He ignores the pain on his hand to spend his time with Henley, smiling warmly when Henley starts rambling about Magical Creatures that he learned while on vacation. He was also surprised to hear Rosewood's family is friends with Newt Scamander.


"I'm telling my parents this, Harry." Henley said, looking down at where Harry is sitting in the secret spot in the library he found in his second year. "If she's doing this to you, who's to say she isn't doing this to Cedric?"

"Please don't tell your parents." Harry said, speaking for the first time ever since Henley started asking about the scar on his hand.

"Why?" Henley questioned, frowning.

"I don't want to give her the satisfaction." Harry said, shrugging.

Henley stares at Harry for about two minutes in silence. He only speaks when Harry starts getting uncomfortable by his blank stare. "Harry, I'm sorry, but... that is a dumb reason." He said, sighing. He slumped down, sitting down beside Harry on the makeshift chair that is connected to the wall.

"If you were in my spot–"

"Yes." Henley answered without any hesitation, cutting Harry's sentence off before he could finish it. "I would tell someone this if she's doing this to me." He said, turning his body to look at Harry.

Harry stayed silent for a few seconds before standing up, turning to look at Henley who looked at him with full confusion. He wonders if he should say something, but decide against it. Behind him, he can hear Henley trying to apologize but he doesn't stop. He only stopped when he was close to the exit. "Stay away, Henley." He said, not turning his head to look behind him at Henley. Knowing that, if he were to look he would regret his words immediately.



What happened to you and Harry?" Cho asked, sat down next to Henley in the Ravenclaw common room. Everyone else is doing their own stuff, leaving them alone to give some privacy.

"Got into a small fight." Henley muttered, his face buried deep in the book he is doing.

Cho raised an eyebrow. "Small fight?" She asked Henley, expecting an answer but got nothing. "You two aren't even talking to each other!" She hissed, leaning her head close to look at Henley but the boy pulled the book closer to his face. Then a thought came to her mind a second later. She wonders if she should voice it out or not. "By the way, what stuff do you know about recently?" She asked, finally gaining Henley's attention as he looks up at her.

Ravenclaw boy - Harry Potter x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now