Year 4 pt. 1

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A/N: Henley's hair is longer in this :)


Henley let Cho take his hand to go to the old woman who's pushing a trolley filled with multiple candy. Cho turns around and asks if he wanted anything. Henley smiles at Cho and said he'll take what she have, Cho nod and turn to the old woman.

Henley take notices of Harry and Ron by the trolley as he stand side by side with Cho, noticing that Harper is sitting inside the compartment with them.

"Two Pumpkin Pastie please." Cho's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

Harry turns, Ron's all forgotten from his mind, and makes eye contact with the Ravenclaw boy, smiling softly at the boy who returns the smile.

Cho gently placed her hand on Henley's shoulder, breaking his eye contact with Harry and looking at her, he was confused for a few seconds before he pulled himself together and remembered what he was doing.

"Ready to go, or are you going to stare at him forever?" Cho asked, giggling when Henley rolls his eyes. Though there's no heat behind it.

"Like you didn't do the same thing with Cedric." Henley mutters, but Cho still hears him, blushing.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Cho denied, saying hi to Cayden who was passing by them to go to the trolley.

"Please." Henley dragged out the words, sending Cho a 'girl, don't lie to me.' look which made her burst into a laughing fit.

"You need to stop doing that." Cho let out between her laughing fit, stopping when she noticed Cedric fondly watching her. "Anyway, we're here." She said, pulling Henley into their compartment.

"I stand corrected." Henley said, smirking at Cho as he sat down beside her.

"Shut up, and start eating." Cho said, rolling her eyes, giving Henley the Pumpkin Pastie.

Henley rolls his eyes but starts eating anyway, rolling his eyes again at the smug expression on her face.


"Mr. Filch, our beloved caretaker, has informed me that the list of objects forbidden within the castle now includes Screaming Yo-Yos, Fanged Frisbees, Ever-Bashing Boomerangs and Chocolate Marshmallow Bunnies." Professor Dumbledore said as a mischievous beat pass. "I'm joking about that last one. The full list comprises some four hundred and thirty-seven items and may be viewed in Mr. Filch's office."

Henley huffs out a laugh, sharing a smile with Cho who is grinning appreciatively at Dumbledore.

"Now. There is, apparently, a rather nasty rumor flying about the school that Quidditch will not be played this year. That rumor, I'm here to tell you... is absolutely true." Professor Dumbledore said and indignation instantly fills the Hall. He smiles in amusement. "There is an explanation. You see, Hogwarts will this year play host to a legendary event. An event that has not taken place in over one hundred years... The Triwizard Tournament." He said, and the Hall is filled with excitement.

One voice rang clear from the excitement. "You're joking!"

"I am not joking, Mr. Weasley." Professor Dumbledore said and starts explaining the Triwizard Tournament to the students. After finishing explaining, he looks out to the hall. "I ask only that you endeavor to make it a happy one."


Henley and the other students crowd the parapets, buzzing with anticipation. Far below, Dumbledore has assembled the staff as a kind of welcoming party.

Ravenclaw boy - Harry Potter x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now