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Wishes are a strange thing.

No matter how hard you try, they may never come true. Or, you could make a wish once without thinking and it could come true.

"That will be $5.50." The cashier's monotone voice rang through the empty convenience store, snapping a girl out of her thoughts.

"Oh, right..." She replied with a soft voice, taking her wallet out of her pocket and placing some cash on the counter.

The cashier took it with a nod. "Come again."

Taking her drinks, she left.

"Man, $5.50 for two drinks is crazy..." She mumbled to herself, stuffing them in her bag as she placed her skateboard down. The girl skated away, zooming down the streets with ease. A smile spread across her face. It was moments like this she really cherished, she could feel at ease. She never knew how people could live in big cities, they could never have privacy to do this. She much preferred her small town on the outskirts of the city instead. Turning a few more corners, she went through an abandoned tunnel. Slowing down, she smiled even more at the scenery once she got through.

The girl was met with a nice little hill surrounded by lush, green forests. She loved it here, especially because of the view of the sky. Getting off of her skateboard, she sat down in the middle of the hill, opening the can of Dr. Pepper she bought. Running a hand through her brown hair to fix her bangs, she sipped the drink as she looked up at the stars. Tracing the many constellations that filled the sky, she came across one of her favorites: Sagittarius.

Latin for the archer, the constellation was commonly represented as a centaur pulling back a bow. Of course, many people had different opinions on the constellation. The Babylonians identified it as the god Nergal, while the Greeks identified it as Chiron, son of Philry and Cronus. She was never quite sure why she liked it so much. Maybe because it's her star sign, who knows.

While looking at the constellations, the girl noticed something else in the sky.

A shooting star.

"I guess that means I have to make a wish now." She said softly to herself. What does she wish for? She thought about her life right now. Sure, it was okay, she had lots of friends and a family, but she wanted something more. She wanted a new adventure, something to look forward to. This was getting too bland for her.

"I wish to be taken somewhere far away, away from this place." She spoke to the stars. As she said that, her smile slowly faded away.

"Man, what am I thinking?" She let out a sigh, her eyes slightly watery. "Wishing for something that won't even happen?"

Oh how wrong she was.

Her phone buzzing got her attention.

One new message

Emma, can you hurry home? It's getting late.

I'm on my way.

Sighing once more, Emma got up, dusting the dirt off of her clothes. Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she got on her skateboard once more and headed home.

She glanced at her phone as she skated. It was only 11 PM, so it wasn't too late. Going back home was usually bittersweet anyway. Don't get her wrong, she loves her family, but sometimes they're a bit much. The whole reason why she was out skateboarding for so long was because she didn't want to listen to the screaming match between her parents and her older sister.

Deep in her thoughts, she stopped suddenly.

What was that? She thought. She knows that her hearing can be a little weird but,

Was that neighing?

"Oh hell no." The brunette mumbled to herself, skating once more. "I better not have accidentally pissed off a spirit trying to do my last spell..."

Skating even faster, the piece of wood didn't get very far as she heard it again.


It was so loud, she fell off of her skateboard, almost tripping over her own feet. "Shit!" Turning around, Emma was so not prepared for what she was about to see.

Right behind her, were two black horses pulling a massive black carriage behind them. Their eyes were narrowed and they were charging full speed at her. The heavy stomping of hooves were the only thing that she could hear in the empty street.

That was the last thing she saw before darkness enveloped her.

At the same time

Hibari Municipal High School Kendo Building

It was dark outside, a nearby streetlamp barely illuminating the empty street. Well, the street wasn't empty. At the bus stop, there was a single boy, deep in thought.

Koito should be fine. He thought, clutching his bag. We'll dominate tomorrow's competition!

However, a loud cry caught his attention.

"Huh?" The boy mumbled, looking around. "What kind of cry is tha-" He cut himself off as his brown eyes widened.

Two horses pulling a massive carriage behind him.

That too, was the last thing he saw before blacking out.



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Word count: 851

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