93 | said the crack whore

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S3 E10don't stand so close to me

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S3 E10
don't stand so close to me

"MAYBE SHE'LL BE on 'look but don't touch' patrol too." Izzie says, as they all get ready in the locker room. "At least I'll have some company."

"Whatever she gets I hope its bad. Really bad." Alex says.

"Well, having to spend the day with Izzie qualifies." Maddison shrugs.

"She made a mistake, we all make-" Meredith tries to defend.

"A mistake?" George cuts her off. "She was going to let Burke, Burke with the shaky hand operate on my father."

They all go quiet as Cristina walks in.

"Could you stop looking at me like that?" Cristina asks George, who was glaring at her, as she opens her locker. "It's creepy, and makes you look like you haven't been fed."

They all walk out, except for Maddison, Meredith and Cristina.

"So, how's it going?" Meredith asks, carefully.

"How's what going?" Cristina asks, as Maddison pulls on her scrub top.

"You and Burke? Are you okay?" Meredith clarifies.

"We're existing in total silence." Cristina tells them.

"He's not speaking to you?" Maddison raises an eyebrow.

"Well, I'm not speaking to him either." Cristina replies.

"Good for you." Maddison nods, wearing her white coat.

"I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Meredith tells her.

"Stop asking if I'm okay." Cristina tells her, frustrated.

"Making an effort here." Meredith replies.

"Well, don't." Cristina replies.

"Rounds started 30 seconds ago." Bailey tells them, walking in.

"I should've stayed in bed." Maddison groans, as they walk out.

ADDISON WALKS UP behind the group, as they walk out of the locker room.

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