Chapter 1: The Crossroads

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Sup Wattfam!

Thank you for choosing to read my book! It means a lot to me you just have no idea xD

I'm super excited to finally share this story by me that I've been preserving for the longest time now :))))

Please vote and share to your friends incase you like it so much! oh and btw I know you will ;)

This book is not your oh-so-typical cliché novels tho
Please enjoy!



Chapter 1: The Crossroads

Allison Thanny stood in her bedroom, surveying the open suitcase on her bed. Clothes were strewn about, half-folded in her hurried attempt to pack for the weekend trip.

She sighed, glancing at the picture of Hayden on her nightstand. His smiling face and the carefree days they spent together seemed like echoes from a happier time.

The heaviness in her chest reminded her that her decision to visit Ashton Presset university two days before senior prom was affecting more than just her future plans.

Her father knocked gently on the doorframe, breaking her reverie. "Need any help, sweetheart?"

"No, Dad, thanks. I think I've got everything," Allison replied, forcing a smile. "I just... I hope I'm making the right decision."

Her father stepped into the room, leaning against the dresser. "You're going to figure it out. Just trust yourself."

Allison nodded, feeling the reassurance settle slightly, but the uncertainty remained. She zipped up her suitcase and took one last look around the room before heading out.

Outside, the Alabama countryside stretched out, a patchwork of green fields and dirt roads. As she hopped into her car, she wondered what awaited her at college and felt a pang of guilt about leaving Hayden behind.

Meanwhile, back at the high school gym, Hayden Lincoln strummed his guitar, trying to focus on the music.
The senior prom was in full swing, the gym decorated with twinkling lights and streamers, but it all felt hollow to him.

Playing with his band, he poured his emotions into each chord, each note—a desperate attempt to drown out the emptiness he felt without Allison by his side.

His fellow students danced and laughed, oblivious to his heartache.

When he sang, the lyrics were tinged with longing and sadness. All he could think about was Allison. Where was she now? Did she miss him? Doubts crept in, and he couldn't shake the image of her meeting someone else, someone who might make her question their relationship.
As the night wore on, Hayden's friends tried to lift his spirits, but nothing seemed to work. Not even the cheers and applause from their performance could fill the void Allison left behind.

He excused himself, needing a moment away from the crowd, and found solace in the empty hallway.

The muffled sounds of the prom filtered through the doors, but he felt worlds apart.

In Florida, Allison was taking in the sights and sounds of the university campus. Ashton Presset university was bustling with students, the energy almost overwhelming. She felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness, torn between the possibilities of her future here and the life she was leaving behind in Alabama.

Walking through the quad, she admired the historic buildings and vibrant student life.

Lost in thought, she didn't see the figure approaching until they collided. Papers flew everywhere, and she gasped in surprise. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed, dropping to her knees to help gather the papers.

The hunk of a bad boy she had unwittingly bumped into chuckled, unfazed. "No worries," he said, kneeling beside her. "Happens all the time." He flashed a crooked smile, and his dark eyes sparked with mischief.

"I'm Allison," she introduced herself, handing back his papers.

"Jesse Ryder," he replied, taking the papers from her. "You a prospective student?" he asked, his tone casual, but his eyes held a lingering curiosity.

"Yeah, just visiting for the weekend," Allison said, standing up and brushing off her jeans. There was something about Jesse that intrigued her–his easy confidence, the way he didn't seem to care about making an impression, yet did so effortlessly.

"Well, if you need a tour guide, I'm your guy," Jesse offered, surprising Allison with his friendliness. "I can show you all the best spots, the ones they don't include in the official tours."

Allison hesitated, thoughts of Hayden flickering in her mind, but the chance to explore the campus with someone who knew it well was too tempting to pass up. "Sure, why not?" she said, feeling a strange flutter of excitement.

As Jesse led her around, she couldn't help but notice how different he was from Hayden. Jesse was more guarded, less polished, but there was an honesty to him that she found refreshing. They talked about everything from the best coffee shops to the pressures of college life, and Allison found herself drawn to his frankness.

By the end of the day, Allison was left with a whirlwind of emotions. She returned to her dorm room, reflecting on the day's events and the undeniable connection she'd felt with Jesse.

She lay on the unfamiliar bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering what it all meant for her and Hayden.

Back in the Alabama countryside, Hayden lay in his own bed, sleep eluding him. He clutched his guitar, strumming soft melodies, hoping that the music might bridge the gap between them. "Come back to me, Allison," he whispered, his heart aching for her return.


The end of chapter 1

Thanks guys for reading the first chapter of this book :)))

What do you think of it?

Do you like Jesse already? He's giving this every girls dream hottie vibe, right? Lol ;)

Can you smell a ship...?

Hayden's love for Allison is unwavering but Allison is about stepping into a new chapter of her life and is she willing to carry along her high school heartthrob into this new world?

You will find out soon! xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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