25 2 1

Maya, Jere, Corbin, and I enter the club as the lights flash between purple and blue. The sound of the crowd fills the room as my eyes dart around in the search for Lando. Maya's incredily elaborate plan that she hyped up was for Jere to bring his friend Corbin for me to "date" for the night. I love Maya but there are two obvious flaws with this plan. Corbin and I tried "dating" a while back... and things were awkward between us. He still likes me according to Maya. 

I also didn't understand how Lando will notice me, especially if I'm with another guy. 

Honestly, I am more excited to experience night life in Miami than anything else, so I decide to go along with whatever Mayas' plan is.

As we continue walking in, I feel Corbin grab my hand with his. I hesitate at first, but give in and we interlock fingers. I decided to wear my best outfit tonight. I wore a black bra that was covered with a black mesh cardigan that ties in the front, paired with a black miniskirt and gogo boots. It's the first time I've felt this confident in a while.

We find a table and the guys volunteer to go get us drinks from the bar, "I wonder if Jeremiah will remember what drink I like," Maya laughs. I laugh with her, "I wonder if Corbin will remember mine."

"You guys went out?"

"Just the one time." I answer. 

It was just like the movies. A big assortment of people dancing so closely you couldn't tell who was with who. Everyone moving to the beat of the song in their own ways as the colors flash and the voices fill the room. Big windows lined the side of the room by the DJ, showing off the Miami beach at night. With the F1 race in town, the bar must be more packed than it usually is. 

"One strawberry daiquiri for you." Corbin says as he hands me my drink. "How'd you remember?" I ask, surprised. 

"You're the only girl I've dated who likes girly drinks."

"It's not girly." I say as I playfully smack his arm, he laughs.

We finish our drinks and Corbin grabs my hand, leading me to the dance floor. I would typically see myself as a more reserved person but in high energy spaces I definitely match the energy. Corbin and I immediately start dancing with each other as if nothing else mattered. Despite the awkardness we had, despite the state of our friendships relationship, even despite the real reason he was at the club, Corbin and I dance, matching each others moves. 

My back is to him, my body moving along with his. His hands line my waist as his brown hair touches my neck and I realize his head is resting on my shoulder. I feel eyes on me, other than Corbins, until I notice Maya and Jere navigating the crowd to come find me. "Hey,"

She leans her head by mine and Corbin lets go of my waist, "Lando is going to be on soon."

"What?" I ask, confused as to what she means.

She points to the DJ set. I look back at her with surprise, unknowing that he could DJ. "Try to get his attention!" she exclaims, "and Corbin don't be on her, she's trying to find a man" she says disappearing back into the crowd with Jere.

The voices of the crowd quickly fill my head until Corbin interrupts, "you make it easy to forget why I'm here." I spin around to face him. His smile had dropped and his eyes were full of regret.

"I'm sorry Corb. If I had known they were going to invite you-" I start.

"It's ok Ry. I wanted to come. I texted Jere when I found out you were in town."

A lump forms in my throat when I notice him fighting back his emotions. "I don't understand why you'd come. You broke up with me." I say.

"I guess I just wanted to see you again. I guess I wanted closure you'd really moved on."

"We went out once Corbin-"

"But I liked you for years, Ry." He says, reaching for my hand again.

"Corbin, I can't do this right now. I'm sorry." I say, getting away from him as fast as I could. The crowd wasn't much help. I couldn't begin to believe what had just happened. I see an exit sign and head towards it. I knew this wasn't for me and I knew this plan wasn't going to work. Mayas' plan mildly frustrates me, she should have known better than to let Corbin come. 

I bust out the exit door and find a man smoking a cigarette. "Long night." he says. "Yeah, something like that." I say, carefully watching him to make sure he wasn't a creep. Life as a girl. 

"I'm going back in to finish my shift," he says, I realize he is the bartender. "Wanna finish this?" he smiles, handing me the cigarette and going inside. I stand there, frozen. I accept my fate and sit on the curb, holding the cigarette between my two fingers. After the night I'm having, I consider taking a puff. Just one. I've never been the type to try anything dangerous like that, but maybe just this once. 

I put my lips on the cigarette, attempting to take a puff. I pull it out of my mouth and cough. 

"I think you're supposed to inhale." a voice says to me.

I look up, seeing the boy hover over me, smiling. Brown curls boy.

"Hello, brown curls." I say, smiling back.

"I think you know my name after today," he says, sitting down by me. He has a linen white button up, only half-way buttoned up, with black jeans and white sneakers.

"Oh yeah, I think you're in McLaren right? My friend's favorite team." I joke.

"Friend? Last night she was your best friend."

"She is, I'm just mad at her tonight."

"I was going to ask why you seemed down."

"Well... truthfully, she invited my ex here and he still has feelings for me." I answer, battling my sadness and anger for the situation.

"Fuck." he starts, "Is that why you're smoking?"

I chuckle. "No, I don't smoke. I- I thought about trying for a minute but it's become clear the universe doesn't want me to." 

He laughs. "You wanna go back in?" he asks, nodding towards the exit door.

"Aren't you busy DJing?"

"I was." he looks at his watch, "but first I can make some time for us". I look towards him as a smile creeps on my face. He grabs my hand and helps me stand up. I stumble and his hand quickly grabs my waist, supporting me. "How many drinks have you had tonight?" he jokes. "Just one. And one cigarette puff." I answer, laughing. "Hardly a puff. Let's get you inside." he answers.


AAAAAAAA i'm so excited for this chapter stuff is actually happening!! i hope you liked it!! thank. you for reading!!

feel free to vote, comment, follow, add to library, etc!!! to keep up with what happens next between ry and lando ;)

also the race this past weekend was crazy between lando and max omgggg

anyways, super excited for the upcoming chapters!!! make sure to follow along!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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