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The first thing that caught your attention after walking to the front of your flower ship was the beautiful lavender haired woman looking around. "I'm looking for flowers for a friend" you nod grabbing and making a bouquet of blue and yellow lilies wondering if you would ever see her again as she walks out of the shop after paying, two weeks later she came back buying more lilies leading her to come back for the next few weeks on and off until she didn't at all which made you a bit worried but you were confused when you find a bouquet of pink lilies stuck to the door of your business from a flower shop in the next town over with a little note attached that said "Hope you like these and hope we can meet up soon?" your heart soars when you see a number on the note leading you to text it only to see a picture of the beautiful woman learning her name was Billie. Later on in the week after texting and calling each other, the two of you met up at a small bar for a few drinks leading to the two of you hitting it off and she stops by the shop three days later to bring you lunch leading to you teaching her about flowers followed by a dinner date later in the week as the romance quickly blossomed feeling over the moon when you see her wrestling in the ring not expecting her to kiss you right there before walking backstage smiling when you see her with lilies for you before both of you laugh when you reveal your own bouquet of lilies for her as well which is caught by her friends feeling your heart melt when you see the recording of the moment backstage by her friend Athena while the two of you enjoyed a Disney movie night in her hotel room.

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