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The bad experience


"Do you still love Sanya?" Ruhi asked as I looked at her.
"No, why would you say that?" I asked standing up.

"When Drishti was leaving, did you even look at her? You said you wouldn't say anything against your ex to your girlfriend. What do you think she'll make of that?" she explained, and I understood her point.

"My point was that I can't publicly claim a girl as a cheater, it would be a lifetime tag." I replied.
"Before, when you were alone, thinking about Sanya wasn't a big deal. But now Drishti is with you. I understand you're concerned about the girl's reputation, but is Sanya more important than Drishti?" She asked.

"Obviously not, Drishti is my everything." I replied. "Then stop thinking about her it will neither benefit you nor your relationship with Drishti. As your lawyer I would suggest you that she can be a major advantage to your case. Her one statement in your favour can make your case strong." She suggested.

"No she won't get involved in all this. She will not attend any trial." I told her clearly.
"For now go and talk with her that is more important." She said and I nodded.

Telling everything to her was the thing I wanted to do at first but she refused that she don't want to know but today when I told her everything I felt a relief. I don't know what she might be thinking of me but I am satisfied that I told her whatever the truth was.

She didn't judge me for creating a fool out of myself in the name of love instead she supported me. I can't thank God enough for sending her in my life. Her home's main door was widely opened as I reached there.

She was standing near the kitchen counter and was talking with her mom. I pressed the door bell. They looked at me and I went inside.

"Kabir we will talk later, please go from here." Drishti said looking at me. I noticed her eyes which were teary like she was on the verge to cry.

"No he should stand here and should be clear about everything." Her mother said looking at me and I nodded.

"Kabir, you are a nice guy but please stay away from my daughter." She said and I looked at Drishti. "I don't know you are the victim or culprit in your case but my daughter has nothing to do with this."

"Mom I already said that my decision is final. I would be supporting him in his touch times, don't make him feel guilty in anything. He is already tensed don't add more to it. Kabir, please go for now." She held my wrist.

"Let her speak Dri." I told her and she left my hand.

"We are middle class people who live a simple life. We can't afford to get involved in these cases. You rich people can buy anything with your money but we can't. So it would be better if you stay away from her." She completed and looked at Drishti.

"No mumma, you can't talk with him like this. It was not in his hands and who the hell wants to get involved in police cases." She stood in front of me.

"Don't behave like a spoiled girl. Watch your tongue before speaking infront of me." Her mother yelled at her.
"This is my final decision mumma, I am with him. I won't change like seasons. I Now you decide what you have to do." Drishti said in low tone.

"Fine, stay here with him. Forget that you have a mother. Assume that your mother died with your dad." Her mother said and picking up her already packed bag she was about to go outside. Turning back she looked at me, clearly disappointed and went outside.

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