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I tap that bracelet I got for noel I should have told him I feel so foolish for not telling him my death was fake I only imagine the pain he's going through. Oh god what about my dad fuck hopefully they morn  together.  someones after me I had to fake the death to protect them but I need to let him know hopefully he still wears that damn thing I had to force him to wear it many times god I hope he's alive. Dad will probably skin me alive for doing what I did but I had no choice I saw no way out now shes dead I still don't know her name she went crazy.

she was after me for so long I don't no I need to stop lying to myself I mean I screwed up its all my fault what did I do? I took everything from this girl her family, friends, everything I didn't even regret it until it bit me in the ass all over nothing. 

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