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i wake up in a dark room not like the white room is dark and i'm alone for once well i pray i'm alone that guy is insane. i hate him his smile his everything i hope her dies and goes to hell burns and the devil laughs. i mean hes not so bad i did kill his daughter well no i'm the reason shes dead i didn't kill her though i would never kill her i loved Ella with all of my heart that is if i have one dam i wish i new the anatomy of my own body. all i know is i love her i miss her i would kill for her i might have to kill her father but i hope it doesn't come to that.

after hours and hours i'm still alone but i'm alive he said he would  kill me slowly i hope well I don't die nobody wants to die not like this either. i laugh quietly isn't it funny i'm getting killed by the girl's father that i love i never met him when we were dating only her mom was a nice lady.  i hear a clock on the way with that annoying sound i hate it maybe he wants me to go insane before he kills me. maybe he doesn't want me dead no he wants me to go insane like him to feel like him then kill me. i try not to think of how he will kill me think of Ella 

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