Everything is so whack.)( Leo Valdez x F!Reader

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Leo my bro 🤭

I watch in stunned silence as the trident above me fades, everyone watches is silence. No one knew what to say.

"Y/n..?" Chiron looks in my direction.

"L/n." I whisper.

"Y/n L/n, daughter of Poseidon, god of the sea and earthquakes." Chirons voice rang through the crowd. I noticed the way her voice wavered on Poseidons name.

I did nothing but stand motionless, the only things I'm aware of is Leo's warm hand greeting mine, Jason behind me and Piper beside me.

"What?" I my voice barely above a whisper.

I couldn't grasp everything that was happening. One moment I thought my best friend was pranking me, the next moment im falling into a lake and coming out Amon style.

"What," I repeat. "I'm- I'm not his daughter."

Leo's thumb soothed over my knuckles.

"Y/n-" Leo try's to start.

"I am not his daughter. I am my dad's daughter."
I insist, this has to be some sort of messed up prank. If my biological father was an all mighty god nothing and should have happened to my mum.

"Y/n dear, he just claimed you as his daughter." Chiron trots toward us. Piper shuffles closer to me.

"No- no. He isn't," I breathe in, trying to calm down. "I'm not godly, I'm just some girl from A-Alberta. I'm just-"

"Y/n calm down. Look around you, everyone here is like you." Annabeth speaks up. My gaze is hectic, I can't focus on a single person for more than a second. That's when I feel the ground around me shaking, the sound of water thrashing behind me.

God of the sea and earth sakes.

People around us back up, everyone but my friend, Annabeth and Chiron.

I feel heavy while unimaginably light, my ears ring and my eyes droop. I fall forward, my vision darkens, the last thing I remember is Leo catching me. Piper and Jason follow me to the ground.

. . .


"Holy fuck!" Y/n shoots up.

"Shit!" I yelp, the girl was fast asleep a moment ago, I was comfortable in the quiet. Her light grip on my hand tightens, squeezing the life out of it.

Chiron clears his throat. "Watch your language." He looks between us. "Both of you."

"Yurp, ok." I mumble. I know full well neither us will let up on the swearing. I watch as Y/n suppresses a smile.

"Um, where am I?" Y/n asks, last she saw if anything we were at the beach. Now it was about five, dinner was in thirty minutes.

"The infirmary." I said, rubbing circles with my thumb. "Um, we brought you here after you passed out."

"Oh." She said. I tried not to think about it too hard but she hasn't let go of my hand a single time I held it.

I look at Chiron, he looks like he's trying to say something. Maybe something he didn't know how to say, or smithing he didn't want to say.

"Y/n, we need to talk." He says softly, almost hesitantly. It for some reason makes me angry, Y/n the strongest person I know. She doesn't need to be babied. As if reading my mind Chiron turns to me, reading my face. "Leo, could you please give us a moment?"

I breathe in,"Ok."

On impulse I brought her hand to my lips, pecking lightly before leaving the room.

I shut the door behind me, hesitation to leave.

"Tell me about your mum." I hear Chiron say. I may not be able to hear her but I know the way her breath catches. She's never told me anything, I don't want to intrude. So I walk away, leaving to explore.


(In this one Chiron wasn't there when she got claimed.)

"Why don't we go to the big house?" Clarrise urges, walking to me. She was older, probably the oldest kid I saw here. Her mess of curls in a ponytail, she was wearing a plane black tank top and camouflage pants.

"Will, Take Leo on his tour. Annabeth, take Piper—"

"And I'll take Jason." Drew interrupted.

Clarrise clenched her jaw slightly, breathing in slowly.

"You both will come with me and Y/n."

None of us budged, Leo still held my hand, maybe tighter than before. Piper stood closer and so did Jason. Allegedly Jason had only met us today, but I could tell her cared for us.

Clarrise scanned us intently, almost scowling.

"When yall are all done you can meet together again, Ok?" Clarrise says in a softer voice.

"Please just listen, Y/n needs to see Mr. D and Chiron asap." Clarrise wasn't looking at me this time, now she was looking at the boy beside me, Leo tightly gripping my hand. Her gaze then drifted to Piper then Jason.

My body though before me, I squeezed Leo's hand quickly before letting go. My feet moving for me.

"Ok, we'll be ok." I mutter, hopefully loud enough for the others to hear. Clarrise wraps an arm over my shoulder, directing me in the direction of the big house. Jason not too far behind me.

"It's... weird," Clarrise sighs. "I mean like, being a demigod. It's going to take a lot to get used to. Camp won't be easy early in, especially for you."

"Oh." I say. Well that's reassuring.

"Um- I mean like, your parentage. You're not really supposed to... exist. There's been a few blips, like Percy, Thalia and Nico."

"Percy? Like the one Butch and Annabeth wanted?" I ask. If I was actually listening I might know what Importance he held, but I was too busy making sure I didn't puke all over Leo.

"He's your brother I guess. Only on the godly I assume, you don't quite look like Sally. But anyways, children of the big three—Zeus, Hades and Poseidon—aren't supposed to have children. The children end up too strong." Clarrise explains. I didn't feel that strong really.

"Oh." I say again.

"Yeah, it's... odd." She says, squeezing my shoulder lightly. We need the front door, she guides me up the stairs and into the barn house.

Yeah 😔


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