Chapter 12

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Unsurprisingly, the party ended with many of them in for a hangover as the morning came. Garreth took it upon himself to send everyone back to their respective common rooms with vials of hangover tonic. Norah immediately sought to drink hers on the way back, having thoroughly enjoyed herself. Not bad for a first house party in sixth year.

She saw Natty bid Henry a goodnight before leaving the portrait hole, while Andrew and Poppy walked together. No doubt Andrew was going to walk Poppy back to the Hufflepuff common room before he returned to Ravenclaw tower. Amit and Samantha were conveniently walking back together. At least they originally were, because it seemed like they weren't anymore. Amit even looked quite somber, a change from his optimistic demeanor earlier when they first arrived. Samantha also looked quite crestfallen, opting to walk back to their dormitory with their other housemates.

Norah figured she'd try to ask Amit about it when they looked for another astronomy table later that night. She turned to the two boys walking next to her, having also drank the tonic before leaving.

"I can't believe I nearly tried to climb that mantel," Ominis mumbled next to Norah as they climbed down the stairs to the Slytherin dungeons. "I can feel Nellie looking at me like I became some sort of three-headed serpent."

"That's because it's not everyday that someone of your stature would do such a thing unless it were to avoid spiders or other creepy things," Norah teased, while Sebastian chuckled at the memory. "I wonder what else might happen when the Hufflepuffs host the next one."

"Who knew Ominis Gaunt has become such a party animal," Sebastian added.

"Shut up" The blonde mumbled.

The three of them entered the common room, splitting up for a moment to shower and change for bed. Norah dried her hair with a towel, already wearing a t-shirt and pajama pants as she sat on the edge of her bed. Nerida, Grace, and Imelda were already deep asleep. She smiled to herself as she recalled the events earlier, especially when she realized who "Nick" was.

It was making her think about the letters he sent, making her guess who he was. It was something she forgot to talk to him about, since they, or she, in particular, was caught up in dancing with Garreth and everyone in the middle of the Gryffindor common room. What was with the poems? The compliments in those poems, in particular? Norah chuckled, sitting back against the headboard of her bed, legs already covered by the emerald green blankets.

She glanced at the door, wondering if any of them were still awake at this hour. They were going to have quite a time processing everything that happened in the party.

As Norah slid further into the covers to close her eyes and sleep, Ominis Gaunt was tossing and turning in his own bed. He was already trying to process his near-attempt at climbing on the mantel. While at the same time mentally kicking himself for not trying to spend more time with Norah, or at the very least dance with her, which she seemed to do the whole night.

"Go to sleep," Sebastian suddenly said.

"I'm trying to, Sebastian, take your own advice."

"I am trying to" the freckled brunette said from his own bed. Sebastian was staring at the ceiling, unknowingly thinking about the same thing the blonde was thinking. "Ominis, can I ask you something?"

"I thought you said you were trying to sleep."

"Well, now I'm wide awake and curious about something," Sebastian said quietly. "Did you summon Norah because you wanted to get ahead of Garreth and Leander?"

The question seemed to take Ominis by surprise. Was Sebastian already suspecting something about this? There seemed to be only one way to answer, and he knew he couldn't lie to him. "Yes."

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