S2 PT8: Co-Op

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Inbetween episodes 5 and 4, Olga and Max had done lotsa stuff, trying to make both eNVy and ThUzi canon.

The Spire
It's day, N is hanging on the ceiling of the spire's interior. Right beside V.

Olga is just watching them while they sleep, happy to see the two closer together. She's got a little underground shelter she constructed and lives in. The entrance to it is somewhere in the snow. At the spire.

Olga's gonna go and sleep soon. She's just taking a moment do admire the sight of N and V sleeping together.

V now treats N like a... regular friend, still hiding her feelings. But no more trashing or bullying. And when she does mock N, she does it playfully, not meaning any actual offense towards N, or trying to push him away. N spends alot of time with V now, and keeps trying to get a cuddling session with her)))
But V always nervously changes the topic when N starts to lean towards that topic.

Olga's limitation is that, she is a dissasembly drone OC, so, well. Sunlight is deadly for her. She can't help Max out.

Speaking of Max, he lives in the little humble abode that Olga constructed underground. Under the spire.
It's a little room with 2 makeshift beds. And a lil control room. Olga can anonymously access the Colony's doors and cameras. She doesn't use the control room much, but for Max it sure will come in handy, since Uzi and Thad live in the colony.

Max just woke up, it is daytime. Morning to be exact. He gets up from his bed, tosses the blanket back on the bed... it fell off while he was sleeping. And gets his mug to get some morning coffee.

Also. The mug got a picture on it.
Let's see what is it.

Zoom in

Well. That was predictable...
Max then stands on a pretry shaky platform in the middle of the room, and pulls a rope. Causing the platform to go up.
It's a lil elevator.

As Max climbs out of the snow, he sees Olga sitting in the shade and looking at N and V.

Careful to not wake up the 2 hanging dissasembly drones, he slowly walks over to Olga while sipping on his mug. And sits right beside her,

"G'mornin' Olechka! (Diminutive for the name Olga) what did you do this night?" Max fidgets with his cap

Olga has... already fell asleep, as it seems.

"Olga?" Pokes her

"Olya WAKE UP!" Pokes harder

Olga gets up, startled she looks around.

"Huh!? Чё? А, Доброе утро, Макс."
(Huh!? Wha? Oh, Good morning, Max.)

Max sits closer to her
"So... what did you try out today?"

Olga rubs her head and groggily looks at the 2 sleeping dissasembly drones on the ceiling.

"Well, i tried to make them hug 'gain. Y'know. The classic. V is a feisty one tho! No matter the circuimstances she just doesn't get any closer to N." Olga sighs.

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