Brilliant Child

11 3 8

This was just a random verse I can up with and put on my mb and eventually turned into this. I actually have another song called 'saint' that is very similar to this one except the message is a lot more explicit, and therefore very personal (its in the vault for that reason). I'm not going to say what the song is about cause again, its very personal. Its for you to figure out what the lyrics mean and make it your own :)

Verse #1

They said she was a brilliant child

Meant for great things

Reading on tire swings

With the voice of an angel

"Did you hear her sing?"

Yes she definitely will be something



But genius fades away

Once you learn what life's really like

You're suddenly stupid for your age

The enlightenment made the philosophers of great

Look like fools with theories half baked

Now you're laying flowers on the brilliant child's grave

Verse #2:

They said she was a brilliant child

So that's what she believed

Spent her life thinking she could see through everything

That no one could trick her

Take her heart and break her

And that no one would want to anyway

Such a brilliant child

Yet such naivete


But genius fades away

Once you learn what life's really like

You're suddenly stupid for your age

The enlightenment made the philosophers of great

Look like fools with theories half baked

Now you're laying flowers on the brilliant child's grave

Post Chorus: 

Who are you to take all of that away?

She was happy and innocent

Blind what the world contained 

She knew everything she thought she needed to know

Until you had to deliver the final blow 


All my supposed ingenuity

Still I let you do this to me

I'm tracing back the mental pathways

The dark, twisted maze

They told me you cared

Made me fall for your sick games

The obituaries of my happiness filed with our memories

The dark haze I must've been under

The drug laced in your comforting embrace

Made me confuse love and happiness

With pain

And they said I was a genius

Such a brilliant



You said I was a brilliant child

Was that just another ploy to take my heart and break it?

You knew you could get away

That's why you did it

Isn't it?

You said I was a brilliant child

Off to Princeton or Yale or Harvard

But that was just one of your games

You exposed my naivete

My brilliance was easy to take

She was a brilliant child

Such a brilliant


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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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