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The next day in the office.....

"Jeff! Did you go on a date with Alan last weekend?"

I look at Winner, trying to think of what to say.

Nevermind dating, we live together....

This makes the fifth day I live with everyone at the Demon House. Which means I only left with six days....!

"Ah, speak of the devil..." Winner said.

"Mr Alan, concerning today's presentation for the company Y..." the manager said. "Your assistant, Pete, is currently down with a cold."

"I see. I'll bring Jeff instead."


"Fox. Read the documents by this afternoon." He whispered before handing me a heavy stack of files.

"But I can't. This is so sudden...."

Alan suddenly swings his face close to mine.

"Remember I require...."he said

"Absolute obedience,"I answered.

"That's right. So assist me with my work."

I can't believe it. The prince is ordering me around at work now....

Alan places his palm down on my head.

"Don't worry, I'll back you up."

"That presentation made a great experience!"

Alan looked proudly at me. "Of coz it did. The Y company's proposal has great prospect and some breathing room as well. Seems to be worth taking on, don't you think?"

"Totally! It would make the best of our company's know how too!"

Hm ....You seem to have a handle for what really goes on around here."


It would have been nice if Alan could teach me more even just as a my co-worker.

I want to learn all sorts of new things.

Seems like I really do have some lingering attachments to this world.

Alan looked at his watch, "Twelve o'clock....How about we get some lunch?"

"The weather is nice. Why don't we buy our lunch and eat out in the park?"

I looked up in the sky.

"What a beautiful blue sky!"

Sitting together on the grass, we ate our lunch.

We may be wearing suits but with our lunch spread out like this, it's like a picnic....

"If Kenta was here, he would have collapsed from heat stroke."

I laughed.

"Kenta doesn't handle the sun well, does he?"

"There's a whole list of things he can't handle. Picky eater too," Alan adds.

Speaking of which, I don't remember Alan hating any food.

"Is there any kind of food that you don't like Alan?"

"I'll eat anything except carrots 🥕!"

I laugh at his childish side.

"Carrots have many vitamins and fibers. Good for your health."

"Why don't you help me eat all the carrots in the world?"

FALLING FOR THE DEVIL IN 10 DAYS (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now