Chapter 4

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May and I didn't accept the job Henrick set up for us May and I decided to get jobs as waitress we have been working for a week now . I paid Henrick rent money he didn't want to accept it at first he finally accepted when I said yes to a date . I was getting ready for a date May and I were using our tips to save so we could get a place of our own .

"Hubba hubba you look sexy "May says I laugh I say "thank you its only a dress and heels " May says 'you look perfect " . May was an amazing friend I hug her she returns my embrace I say "wish me luck " May says "good luck " I thanked May as I walked downstairs Henrick drops his mouth I smile .

Henrick says "OMG wow your beautiful " I say "thank you you look handsome to " Henrick says "thank you ready to go " I nod my head I say "your welcome " . Henrick says "your welcome " Henrick opens the car door for me I hop into the car he closes the door I smile I place my seat belt on  I click the seat belt in Henrick hops into the car .

Henrick starts the car he puts his seat belt on I say "where are we going ? Henrick says 'you will see " I smile Henrick drives down the road to a building he pulls the car into a private garage . Henrick stops the car Henrick says "stay " I say 'okay " Henrick hops out he walks to my door Henrick opens the door I say 'thank you I can open my own door " Henrick says "not with me ".

I smile Henrick and I walk to an elevator we walk inside Henrick pushes the button to the roof we ride the elevator . Henrick and I walk out of the elevator I look around small lights were shining he set lights up on a string there was music playing in the middle of the roof was a table with a table cloth with candles burning .

Henrick and I walk to the table he pulls my chair out I sit down he pushes my chair in I say "this is so beautiful " Henrick says "sure is not as beautiful as you " . I blush Henrick kisses my hand I smile Henrick and I have an amazing dinner we chatted we laughed Henrick stands up he walks to me Henrick says "may I ? I nod yes I hop up I take Henrick's hand he pulls me close we start dancing .

Henrick and I dance together we share a few kisses we laugh together the night was perfect Henrick and I arrived back at the apartment . Henrick opens the car door for me I say 'thank you for tonight its been magical " Henrick says "your magical and always " Henrick kisses my lips I kiss him back we break the kiss Henrick says " will you be my girlfriend ? I gasp .

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