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when she was standing in the hallway she felt a shadow behind her and suddenly a vase in front of her blasted her dim lantern blew out. It was all dark in the mansion now she wasn't scared or afraid of anything. Still, she was stunned because all this now she wasn't feeling well good enough for staying there she thought it would be better to leave that mansion as soon as possible from the hallway she took the exit. Still, she came alone there and now she was feeling someone behind her that too a woman's presence was very sensible.

when she was going downstairs someone pushed her...she fell off the stairs and got injured ....she accidentally hit the stairs on her head a deep cut was seen some droplets of blood fell off her head on the ground and she felt that someone just licked the blood...

[wait someone just licked the blood.............the entity wants a body to enter?]

the soul is angry with the past we know this but why we don't know, now vishani was scared and she anyhow wanted to leave the mansion but she was stopped by someone she felt and her shoulders were heavy all of sudden...

she hurried and took the exit.....

mansion and deep forest only one road passing by the mansion and injured vishani she somehow figured to get out of mansion but she was too weak to get out from the horrifying forest.

She was scared moreover shw as weak to move as her head was bleeding and she was covered up with injury but after all of this why she can't feel the pain of body injuries she can only feel the pain of her shoulder as someone is sitting over it.

It was a tough time for her but her wise and pure soul always comes up between these evil entities this pure soul is blessing for her by angles and guardians of God 
We all don't know about one thing which is the mansion and relationship between vishani

What do you think this is just because of the show she came here (" nah") her destiny planned this because 1959 and 2024 must have a relation between the curse

We know the entity demonic entity can do anything whichever is the entities priority aur revenge but the entity is trying to say something here and we have to listen the entity

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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