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The person, a young man with a lean build and disheveled hair, sprinted through the winding roads and streets, his eyes wide with fear

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The person, a young man with a lean build and disheveled hair, sprinted through the winding roads and streets, his eyes wide with fear.

His gaze darted frantically in every direction. His breathing was labored, and his footsteps pounded the pavement with a sense of urgency.

He raced past rows of houses, their windows and doors blurring together as he hastened by.

Cars honked and swerved around him, but he barely noticed, his focus fixed on reaching his destination before it was too late.

The man's eyes were sunken, with dark circles beneath them, betraying his exhaustion and desperation.

The man's face was pale, with a sheen of sweat glistening on his forehead, and his lips were open to gasp the air his lungs forgot to take.

With every step, the man's sense of panic grew, his mind racing with the consequences of being late.

He had to be there, and had to prevent the unthinkable from happening. The streets seemed to stretch on forever, taunting him with their endless twists and turns.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the man saw it –

The car.

The same car, he has made so many memories.

Memories, which were too dear to him before..before he shut them off, himself.

His eyes visibly blurred with tears as he let out a loud sob of relief. His tremble lips couldn't help but stretched in a wide grin when a few pairs of eyes meet his.


His grin widen when one of them took their head out from the car and wave at him furiously with a wide heart shaped grin. He couldn't help but took slow steps towards his destination.

His only destination.





Everything felt silent.

The scene that is unfolding in front of him causes the person's eyes to steadily widen in absolute dread. Unknowingly, his lips began to part, letting out a loud, heartbreaking scream.

A scream of agony.


Jungkook's breathing became ragged again as his legs pumped back towards his target. He aggressively ran towards the car that had been hit by a truck.

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