~A Week in the Life of a Minimum Wage Worker- Day Two~

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"One depression pill. Two depression pills. Three depression pills," Y/n loudly muttered as he sorted medication into their assigned bottles. In all honesty, he could hardly pronounce the prescriptions and hardly attempted to understand what each type of medication did. It was only up for questioning as to why he was still assigned shifts in the pharmacy.

A chuckle escaped the throat of the on-duty pharmacist, hiding his smile behind his hand. The doctor's long green braided hair swayed gently from side to side as he made his way toward the inexperienced and unknowledgeable h/c-haired worker.

"It's called vortioxetine, darling. And they're anti-depression pills. We aren't causing any patients depression," Doctor Baizhu corrected the other with a sultry yet gentle tone, standing by Y/n's side and watching his movements.

Freezing for a moment, Y/n let out a sigh and dumped the pills out of their bottles. All to sort the pills again. "One vortioxetine anti-depression pill. Two vortioxetine anti-depression pills. Three-" He was interrupted by an airy laugh from the doctor. "I'm glad you find amusement in my counting process, Baizhu," he joked, turning his attention toward the man beside him. "Oh, pardon me, Doctor Baizhu," the assistant rolled his eyes as the words left his mouth, bowing as a form of fake respect.

"Oh please. Save the titles for someone who cares for them, less you want me to call you 'Assistant-In-Training Y/n'," Baizhu smugly spoke, leaning closer to the h/c-haired man and gently tapping the name tag pinned on his white lab coat. Y/n merely scoffed, leaning his lower back against the counter and crossing his arms over his chest, subsequently hiding the badge. "Have you become embarrassed over a small name?" The doctor's clear teasing made a few other workers within the pharmacy cringe.

"Haha. You're so funny," Y/n sarcastically replied with a roll of his eyes. "Where is Qiqi? Usually, you don't try this shit around her." A fair point indeed. For what young girl would want to see her adopted father flirting with his subordinate?

Baizhu gave Y/n a bit of space, thinking for a moment as he tugged at the rolled-up sleeves of his jacket. "I let her go to get a snack from one of the workers giving out samples in grocery. But now that you mention it, she has been gone for a while..." A worried expression grew on his face as he began to fiddle with his fingers. "Could you go find her?" Baizhu asked, his pleading eyes finding their way to meet with Y/n's.

Letting out a sigh, Y/n stood up from leaning. "Sure. We can't have a missing child running around anyways." His words brought a small yet kind smile onto Baizhu's lips. One that Y/n could never say no to, which the doctor knew well. "Any idea where she could be? There can't be many places for a calm girl like her to hide."

The green-haired doctor hummed in thought, tuning out the sound of Y/n shaking a half-empty prescription bottle as if it were a maraca.

"There is the obvious answer being the toy section. She likes to pull me towards there at the end of each shift," Baizhu explained, causing to stop Y/n's one-man band. "You know she isn't much of a talker, correct?" A curt nod from the underpaid pharmacist-in-training. " She told me once about a secret hideout for her and her friends. Something that Uncle Y/n showed her..."

Y/n immediately slapped himself on the forehead while Baizhu glanced at him with a mixture of disappointment and curiosity.

"I know where she is..."


"Open the door, you fiends!" Y/n shouted as he knocked loudly on the door to his secret hideout. Loud giggles came from inside the small closet, followed by a panicked muffled noise. Jiggling and turning the locked handle, Y/n hit the door harder."Girls! I'm serious!"

"But Big Brother Y/n! We're playing secret spies with Dodoco!" One of the young girls, Klee, replied happily. She was Albedo's sister, though clearly had a mischievous streak considering she was on the store's watchlist. Give her a pair of light-up sneakers and the world is her playground.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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