Chapter 34 - The Origin Of Z

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The dream always begins with four children smiling and laughing in the forest. Despite the lack of faces, I felt the familiar presence of happiness within one of the kids, whom I knew was me. But this fleeting memory always shattered before completion.

leaving me feeling anxious about unremembered pieces of my past and questioning a lost chapter in my life. The more I tried to grasp those fragmented thoughts.

the more my head spun, filled with confusion and the nagging question of who the other children were. The fear of forgetting something crucial gnawed at my subconscious.


Everyone woke up The silence between Natsume and I was palpable as we walked along the trail with Tsubasa and mikan and ruka. The unease hung in the air, mirroring my inner turmoil about last night's sudden realization.

Despite the shock and confusion, I knew I couldn't dwell on my faded memories now. There were more pressing matters to address, and I had to maintain focus on the present, at least for now.

I glanced at Natsume, seeing the strain on his face as he quietly struggled to breathe. It seemed his illness, which he was trying to hide, had Tsubasa concerned.

The thought of their conversation last night crossed my mind, but any contemplation was quickly interrupted when Tsubasa abruptly grabbed Natsume and slung him over his shoulder.

The suddenness of the action caught me off guard, and Natsume's angry outburst only added to the tension.

"YOU BASTARD!!!" Natsume shouted back as he beat him up and kick him

Which made I and Mikan and Ruka look each other

"Hey just listen to ne for a bit" Tsubasa pleaded

"I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FUCKING BIT! LET GO YOU FUCKING BASTARD?!" Natsume shouted and struggled against Tsubasa's grip, swearing loudly before finally managing to break free.

"Ah the deer says, 'This place smells of gunpowder.'" Ruka interrupted as I asked


"This warphole," He says as he points his hand to the cave.  

"Tsubasa walked over to inspect the warphole as Natsume walked up behind him, fuming. The sudden tension made me momentarily scared until Tsubasa peeked into the hole. Natsume, seemingly in a fit of anger, kicked Tsubasa into the hole
"TSUBASA SENPAI!" Mikan shouted as she jumped through the warphole in worry.

I following her into the warphole. As we jumped, we were suddenly in an engulfment of water.

We surfaced, confused by the situation. Are we in a swimming pool, island, or ocean?

We swam to the bank and inspected our surroundings, realizing it's not what I thought. Instead, it seems we're at a volcano.

"Jeez, I can't believe we're in a volcano!" Tsubasa says, looking around at our surroundings.

My papers inside my bag are soaking wet, sigh. I guess I'll need to find another way to communicate with everyone.

"WHY IS THERE AN ACTUAL TIGER IN THIS PLACE!" Mikan shouted, pointing the deer. We all looked at her

"HOW DID RUKA MORPH INTO A RABBIT?" Mikan shouted, seemingly in a state of confusion. "Sakura?" Ruka mumbled, with a confused tone to his voice.

"What's up with this girl? Her brain must have rotted," Natsume mumbled in response.

"TSUBASA SENPAI AND PENGUIN CHAN HAVE BECOME FATHER AND SON!!" Mikan shouted, pointing at Tsubasa and a Penguin.

"NATSUME CAT EAR!" She continued, pointing at Natsume as he glared at her. Natsume smacked her head with a piece of wood.

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