~Mysteries of Riverwood~ (By Prekshana)

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Disclaimer: The reviews given are final and binding. This can't be changed on anyone's request. This is also to be noted that this opinion is personal and not to be taken personally.

Reviewer- prekshanagupta

Author- LMNTrix117

Chapters read- 12 ( Including Characters I and II)

A) Title: The title suggests exactly what is in store for readers hence, making it crystal clear.

B) Cover: The depiction of the monster that possesses inhumane strength, is really a hard task when the art is done by the person who is also writing the story. The graphic representation is marvelous indeed.

C) Blurb: The blurb outlines the characters, the happenings that have occurred in the past impeccably making a lasting impression on the reader who is about to start the tale of mystery.

D) Plot: The plot revolves around a group of thirteen friends in the place called Riverwood. The story starts with Alex having a nightmare as they predict Dylan, the ghost who had a history of doing things that was creepy and funny sometimes has returned to the woods. They encounter a series of events where they are attacked in the woods both in the present and mostly in the past, their attackers being ghosts and skeletons. In the end, some friends die from the group and they resort to never speak about their haunted past again.

E) Grammar: There were some errors in the sentence making which with thorough editing can be corrected.

Suggestion- Sometimes there were too much of punctuations used all throughout the story, which should be omitted for better reading experience and that keeps the hook intact.

F) Characters and their development: The most interesting character in the tale was Ava without a bit of doubt, her witty jokes and making theories to help find out the mysteries really helped the story to progress well. Dwayne and Alex was lovable and the author did a good job portraying their emotions very well. Lastly, Alvin stole the show and the love and attraction that Sofia felt for him was almost palpable. Great deal of character development done!

G) Interaction with readers (engagement): Sometimes the hook was off and on, given the circumstances that made it interesting and sometimes not so fascinating. Still, it was one of a kind story which highlighted friendship and unity in a beautiful manner despite oddities which was amazing.

H) Overall: This book is a definite read for those who love supernatural aspects and love imagining them. This book is the fodder literally those who love to live in the fictional world of ghosts, deadly creatures and then after reading this book, I must add skeletons. The visual imagery of the book is fascinating and has the potential of being a best seller.

Rating~ 4.5/5

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