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The small council has gathered for the day's business beneath a black pall. All crystal balls are in the dish, ready to discuss a delicate matter, except for the King's.

The king's seat is empty. Suddenly the doors are opened and Viserys shuffles into the council chamber wearing simple black cotton. His shoulders are stooped, his face puffy, he sits down as Ser Ryam places his crystal in the dish.

Viserys seems to have aged ten years over these last, awful days. The king notices something missing.

"Where is Rhaenyra?"

Otto Hightower looks to the Grand Maester as they share a known look. Rhaenyra was intentionally kept out of this session. Otto takes a breath.

"Your Gra..." Otto began but Viserys cuts him off.

"Where is my son. Where's Geralt? He's suppose to be here."

The council members look at each other with dissatisfaction.

Lady Tissaia clears her throat. "I'm afraid Your Grace, but Prince Geralt refused to join us, it appears he wants to left......alone" she declares.

Viserys sighs, heartbroken. "My son. I understand you're mad at me. But you must understand I had no choice. Take all the time you need but it won't stop me from loving you my boy. Forgive me."

"We regret the crown's loss Your Grace. Queen Aemma was loved by all of the realm as was Good Queen Alysanne before her. And I know This is the last thing any of us wish to discuss at this dark hour, but I consider the matter urgent."

"What matter?" Viserys looks around the table.

"That of your succession." Otto indicates carefully with respect.

"My succession?" Viserys pressed.

The Sea Snake looks across the table at the Hand. Lyonel Strong is also surprised. Tissaia frowns. This matter is news to them.

Slowly, King Viserys looks up at Otto. He says nothing.

"The recent tragedies have left you without an obvious heir. Your Grace." Otto reminds the King worriedly.

"I beg your pardon Ser Otto." Lady Tissaia's tone is slightly raised.

"The king has an heir, my Lord Hand." Lord Corlys reminds but Otto ignores the Sea Snake.

"Despite how... difficult this time is, I feel it important that the succession be firmly in place. For the stability of the realm." Otto offers candidly,

"The succession is already set...by precedent and by law." Lord Strong reminds the Hand, he is not one for sentiment or minced words.

Ser Otto stares back at Lyonel Strong with a look of impunity.

"My Lords, and Lady. The King already has an heir. Shall we say his name? Daemon Targaryen." Corlys mentioned.

"Geralt Targaryen is the heir, he should be King." Beesbury corrects the Sea Snake.

Corlys frowns.

The king has not reacted to any of this, he's lost in thoughts thinking of Aemma.

"The King chose his brother as his heir not his son" The Sea Snake reminds the Master of Coin dismissively.

The Hand looks to Grand Maester Mellos, revealing him as a coconspirator in this effort.

"Prince Daemon has not, in his time at court, demonstrated the kind of good sense and moral temperament that you are known for, Your Grace." Mellos says.

"The prince is not king." Lord Strong says

"Yet. But with one more dark turn of fate, he could be." Otto says.

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