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I just finished with all my lectures and i was going home suddenly aarushi came
Hey bitch i throwing a party tonight so u can come if u want
Who cares if she didn't aarushi's friend replied
They laughed

Aarav was coming to tell me something he was behind me but aarushi interrupted

Hey hottie she put her hand on his chest but he immediately stepped back
What do u think should we hangout?
Amm actually can't come i have some work we can go next time
You have work in evening na there's party at my house tonight i would be so glad if you'll come please
Ok i"ll try

Aarushi left and he came towards me

You want me to drop you
No need i can go by myself i replied with anger
No come with me i"ll drop you
No need thank you by
Are u going to the party tonight?
Who cares
I do c'mon na lets go together
Oo so u want to goo there
Yes maybe,why? He asked
So u will come right?
I dont know
I left with a anger

I reached home i was so angry aarushi is such a bitch
I called anaya and told her everything

"U should go nishu who knows wo kya karegi jiju ke sath if u"ll be there so u can keep an eye na"
You are right but i dont want to go
You have to
Ok i"ll go
I Hang up the call

I opened my wardrobe what should i wear
After rejecting thousand of clothes i finally found a black dress

Here it is i will wear this but what if it'll be too much or too light ahh what to do yaar

A bell rang i went downstairs no one was at home as mom and dad were out somewhere with out relatives and rishi was out too i opened the door and it was Aarav
He came inside

So u're coming to the party right
What happened is there anything wrong?
No nothing we should start study

Our session was done i was very quite in the whole session i dont even looked at him it was not his fault but i didn't want him to go to that Mf's house

Are u jealous?
He asked suddenly
Are u jealous that i talked to aarushi?
No why i would be jealous of that bitch
He smiled
Hey look here if you dont want to go to the party then we can go somewhere else what matters is that you are happy

(Are you kidding me howw he can be so sweet )

You sure?
Yes i am
But why are you cancelling your plan because of me
I just wanted to go there because i was new to this school as she invited everyone i can meet them and make friends but i dont need any other friends you are there na i like spending time with you

(Nooo fuckkkkkk i think he likes me tooooooooooo i will cry noww thankk youu bhagwaan ji)

I blushed no worries we will go to the party together
No it's okay
Please i also wanted to go but i was bit upset i think she likes you
So that's why u were upset haa i see he replied in a teasing way
Nooo shut up ok
He laughed


i dont know what did i just said but it came out of my mouth naturally i mean look at her she is beautiful

So i"ll pick you for the party okay?
Ok she smiled
Byee take care see u soon
Bye she blushed

I reached home and changed my clothes i wore a all black formal clothes it was the time to go to the party i took the car and went to pick natasha

I reached her house but instead of knocking the door i called her

Hey beautiful
Do i know u she said in a teasing way
Yes you do come at the door now
Ok just a sec

She opened the door she was wearing a black dress she was looking so hot and gorgeous i cant stop looking at her i mean woww (the wow slipped out a bit loud)
Nothing let's go
You look gorgeous today
Only today?
I mean
She smiled i know what u meant let's go now

I opened the door for her and asked her to sit


Ok i know you guys waited alot i am so sorry for that but keep loving the novel i will keep updating take care cuties

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