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Meanwhile at the North Wing of Red Keep, schemes and plots were taking it's cause.

Early in the morning Jocelyn had gone to the Sept to pray. She gave offerings to the Seven Gods and asked for forgiveness.

Retuning back to the Red Keep, she began thinking about Viserys Targaryen.

The King hadn't summon her days now, since his wife died, it was alarming, so bad she felt worried and devasted.

"Does this mean Viserys doesn't need my services any longer? Has he forgotten that I'm he's secret mistress? After all he use to say I make him feel better.Gods I feel abandoned right now, what will become of me?"

Jocelyn continues to sink her thoughts in frustration over the King as she arrived at the ground floor of the Red Keep.

Unbeknownst, her handmaid Shae was presently gossiping unashamed with other servants.

Shae immediately saw her coming and quickly left her friends to approach her.

Surprised, Jocelyn sighted her too, loitering at a corner of the hallways laughing out loud.

"Good morrow my Lady." She curtly bows.

"Why are you out here so early Shea? Don't you have work to do rather than gossiping with these useless girls." Jocelyn spat viciously.

Shea shurgs off the insult "It is your aunt who asked me to look for you My Lady."

"For what?" Jocelyn eyes her.

"Your aunt says to tell you that your father has requested for your presence, urgently. They seemed to have quarreled in your absence." Shea narrates.

Fear instantly grips Jocelyn, her hand flew to her rings, she twisted th in her index fingers, thinking of her fate.

"What were they arguing about?" Jocelyn moved closer, demanding in a low tone.

"I do not know." Shea replies.

Did her father find out about her incestuous affair with Ramsey, her mind became unsettled.

Now that her service to the late Queen Aemmqa is over, her father might take her back to Duskendale and marry her off to some lord or even one of his rich friends.

"Where is he?" Jocelyn began to panic.

"In your aunt's apartments, they're going to have breakfast as we speak." Shea replies.

Sighing. "Let's go." Jocelyn gives her scarf and her pamphlet to Shae, before walking away.

Troubled she began walking through the hallways of the Red Keep, taking turns, passing corridors until she arrived at Tissaia's quarters.

The door opened and there stood Lord Gunthor Darklyn staring out the window, looking over Kings Landing with an unreadable emotion, while two servants set the table.

"There you are, we've been waiting for you, come let's have breakfast. Come my dear." Tissaia comes out of the other chamber motioning her niece to the table, grinning happily.

Jocelyn shares a glance with her father before taking a seat beside Ramsey.

The table was arrayed with delicacies but Jocelyn could tell her father seemed upset. He's mood was quite disturbing.

The Darklyns soon started eating silently, only their cutleries made noises.

"I'll be returning back to Duskendale tomorrow." Gunthor broke the quiet air.

Tissaia half smiles. "It's was good to have you here brother." She says gracefully, before taking a sip of her chocolate tea.

"Mmm. Anyways Jocelyn will be coming along with me." He declares.

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