Chapter 18 Forgiveness..

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   I wake up to no one in bed and I get up feeling tired and half naked with my undergarments still on. I get up and cough a bit and I ruffle my own hair and I pick up a sweatshirt on the floor and noticed that it's cut to a crop top and I groan and decide just to wear it and then I find my sweatpants and put them on.

   I don't even bother of fixing my hair and I head downstairs and I smell breakfast and I go downstairs and see Regina and Karen at the dinner table and I smile and make my way over there and Regina see's me and smiles.

   "Hello darling come here" I walk over to her and kneel beside her as she ruffles my hair to even more of a mess and I kiss her hand all the way to her shoulder. Regina strokes my cheek and I relax in her touch and I feel someone pull my hair back and it was Gretchen and she had a wooden spoon in front of my mouth and she said "Try this"

   I nod and take the wooden spoon in my mouth and slurp up the gooey food in my mouth and it was gravy and I let out a moan at the good taste. Gretchen smiles and kisses my cheek and says "Good?" I nod and stand up and sit across from Karen but next to Regina.

   We wait for Gretchen to be ready with food and she does and we eat them which I had chicken and biscuits with gravy. Karen had a pancake with some berries and a bit of syrup. Regina had the same thing as Karen and Gretchen had chicken and waffles with syrup.

   After we ate I got up and washed the dishes and I got ready for the day in my room and I fixed my hair and changed my clothes into my more comfortable style. After I got ready for yet another day with the plastics. 

     After another week of school today was the day. The Spring Fling that Regina was going crazy over. I put on my finest suit with sew'd on flowers along the pants and jacket. I look myself in the mirror and smile.

    After that Gretchen has a flower flowy dress and Karen has a tight sew'd on flowers along the dress. Regina decorated her neck brace with flowers and wore a pink tight dress. I smile at my girls and we all share a kiss before leaving the house.

    We entered the dance and took photos and I could see Shane Omen and his gang starring daggers at me through the other side of the gym. I decide to stay as far away as I possibly could. I stay with my 3 favorite girls until Principal Duvall came on the mic and was naming the contestants.

    It was Cady, Regina, Gretchen, and Karen. then they started naming the boys team blah blah blah. I then wait for him to announce prom queen and king and it was Shane Omen and...Cady Herons...

   I see my girls faces kinda die die but Regina, Regina looked pissed. I could see tears even about to sting out. But Cady instead of rubbing it in or anything she did a whole speech about it and apologized to everyone and broke the plastic crown in pieces and tossed them to some people including my girls. I smile at Cady's remarkable speech.

   I see Regina and them smile and once they got off stage I was gonna go congratulate them until I feel someone put their hand over my mouth and pull me outside. Once they let go of me I was gonna yell for help but Imminently got punched by Shane Omen I fall back hitting my head on the sidewalk in the process.

   I go unconscious and hear only laughter until I'm fully out surrounded by darkness...

Regina's POV:

   I was being a bit dramatic for the seconds that I heard Cady won instead of me but her speech did touch everyone's hearts including mine and I knew that I didn't have to be this rude person that everyone thought of me like.

   After that me Gretchen and Karen get off stage to find Y/n we look around and can't find her I ask around and everyone didn't see anything. Gretchen calls Y/n but no answer. I look around desperate for some of Y/n's attention.

   I couldn't find her everywhere and so I think that she went back to my place so I tell the girls we should dance and stay for a while until it closes then come home to Y/n.

   The party soon ends and I go back home with Gretchen and Karen. I smile to myself thinking of cuddling to all my girls and I head inside and we search around for Y/n and to our surprise she where

   I start freaking out along with everyone else and Gretchen calls Y/n again for luck and to our surprise AGAIN it answered. I sigh in relief and put her on speaker "Y/n dear god you worried me now where the hell are you?!" I say in an angry tone.

   But the voice I got back wasn't Y/n..."If you want her to live you know where to find me Regina and bring your little girls too" It was Shane Omen and he has MY Y/n...

This won't end well.

Words: 915

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