Season 2 Final Trailer

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At the Red Keep 

No one POV 

Anne was holding Daenaera and Viserra was crawling around and Daeron smiled at her and said "Oh, what do you have there, oh that's beautiful. You are one of the most beautiful ladies." 

Anne smiled and Daeron said "Yes, such a beautiful Princess, I think you and your sister are thieves, my little thieves, because you've stolen my heart, look it's gone." 

Anne smiled and Daeron said "Oh no, how will I live?" and he fell and Anne smiled at him, and Anne said "Your papa's so silly,yes, he's so silly." 

Daeron smiled as Viserra crawled on top of him and Daeron smiled at Anne and Anne smiled back. Daeron looked over and Daenaera smiled and Anne smiled back. 

Daeron and Anne smiled at each other and Daeron touched her stomach and Daenaera smiled and Anne held Daeneara close. 

At the Red Keep, Small Council Room 

Daeron walked inside, and glared at Aemond and Aegon said "Will you two keep it together" and Daeron said "He harmed my wife." 

Alicent said "We're all family, Daeron."

Daeron sat down and said "Yes, we all are" and Aegon said "There are bigger problems at stake, the question what are we going to do about it?". 

Otto said "We must play the board in front of us" and Alicent said "Proceed cautiously." 

In Anne's Room 

Anne was holding Viserra and Viserra cried and was crying, and Anne looked on blankly, tears in her eyes, as it was shown that she looked somber. 

There was bruises on her face. 

Anne said "Shh, shh it's okay, it's okay." 

Anne looked over at Viserra, with a small smile, but she looked on blankly and sadly as she looked numb. 

Daeron looked over at her, Daeron said "Is Viserra not sleeping?". 

Anne said "No, she's not sleeping." 

Daeron said "Here, let me take her" and Anne said "Do you know how long it's been since Father died, a few months, Gone as if it never was, my child, They said they should take a daughter for a daughter, But they said this would be enough, It felt like it was never going to end, I couldn't protect my own child. My own daughters, they were in danger, what did I do that I could." 

Daeron grabbed her hand and said "You didn't do anything, this wasn't your fault" and he hugged her. 

Anne looked over at him. Daeron looked over at her worriedly. 

In Aegon's Chamber 

Daeron was pacing around, angry and scoffed as he looked at Alicent and Aegon also looked angry and Daeron said "My wife beaten, My daughters threatened, My wife begging to be hurt or worse to protect our daughters, Your granddaughters, your grandchildren, all of them traumatised for the rest of their lives, Have you seen Helaena, how she is?". 

Alicent said "Daeron, I understand the pain" and Daeron said "No, you don't, Mother, Havee you seen how Helaena is, how Anne is?". 

Aemond looked over and Aemond said "You can have other children, Daeron, Helaena lost her" and Daeron said "I'm aware, but Anne lost something too, They beat her, they..And you don't get to speak of it, She and my daughters, and  my niece and nephews were only in danger because of what you did. This is your doing." 

Alicent said "Daeron." 

Daeron said "And you, you want us to what, Be..decent, No no, Fuck dignity" and Aegon said "Daeron is right, we shall have revenge." 

Aemond smirked. 

At the Dragonpit, Daeron looked over at Tessarion and then looked at Silverwing. He turned back and looked surprised. 

At a Room

Anne was walking outside of it, looking very angry and servants were surprised to see her and they bowed and said "Princess, Princess." 

Another said "Princess wait." 

Anne slammed the doors opened and said "You are not selling my daughter off" and Alicent said "Sweet girl, oh it's good to" and Anne said "No no, I don't wish to talk about this, Why do I have to hear from someone else that my daughter is to be married off." 

Alicent said "To make peace, this senseless war must end" and Aemond said "Do you not want us to prevail." 

Alicent said "Not like this. Anne, what do you speak of?" and Anne said "My daughter is to be sold off to some lord."

Aemond said "A Tyrell, it should be a good one, it will be better if we have some" and Anne said "No, my daughters stay with me and their father." 

Aemond said "I understand you have grown overprotective, but this is what is best for them" and Anne said "Listen to me, and listen to me well, brother, If my daughters are to marry, it will be chosen by me and Daeron, not you." 

Aemond said "Do you also not want us to prevail, sister" and Anne said "You are the reason why we are in this, you are the reason why I am afraid all the time you are the reason why Helaena is the way she is, and you are not selling off my daughter as she is a piece of cattle to fix your errors." 

Aemond said "It will happen." 

Anne said "Over my dead body." 

In Aemond's Room, Aemond was talking to Ser Criston and Aemond said "Alicent holds love for our enemy, that makes her a fool, something that she seems to have passed to my sister." 

Daeron walked in and said "You really are an asshole, My wife is not a fool, she's gone through pain, and unlike you, when she has issues she's not afraid to speak them to the face, instead of gossiping like a  fish wife, too afraid to say this to our mother's face, Aemond, Your that afraid of our mother." 

Aemond glared at him. 

Daeron said "Don't speak badly about my wife, because all of this is your doing." 

Outside of The Red Keep, Helaena and Anne held hands as they ran out with Alicent as a mob started to attack as they got closer. 

In the skies, Daeron rode on Tessarion while Anne rode on Silverwing and she looked angry as Silverwing blew fire. 

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