Chapter 6 New Family Member and Surprises

Start from the beginning

//Annie POV//

Soon after, Armin and Sasha went back to the hospital with Christa and Ymir to see Levi. Mikasa went to stay at Jeans house, only Eren and Annie stayed at the apartment with Eren's mother and twin sister, who were still talking in the room. They simply sat on the couch without saying nothing until Eren broke the silences.

"It was a big house today, huh?" Eren joked.

"Yeah...and a twin sister?" Annie joked back as she rested her head on his shoulder. She simply loved resting on his shoulder, she always felt protected by him like this.

"Hard to believe but it's true." Eren said. Annie smiled as he raised her face to his and kissed her softly.

"Oh, no you don't!" Annie laughed as she rolled on him and pushed him down on the couch. "I'm in charge right now."

"As you command, my love." Eren grinned.

"My first command is...kiss me." Annie smiled as he moved forward and pushed his lips on hers. Annie felt her lips form a smile as their tongues start to wrestle each other. They later pulled away to breath, Annie panted as she stared deep into his green eyes. They start to kiss each other again but with much more intense.

"How about-*kiss*-we continue this-*kiss*-somewhere more private?" Eren said between kisses.

"Ok." Annie smirked seductively. "But let's get there quick."

"Eren is it ok with you if I sleep he-OH, MY GOD! I'M SO SORRY!" Annie heard Erica cry out and she turn to see her at the room's doorway with Ms. Jaeger with her. Annie felt the heat in her cheeks fade away and she jumped off Eren who was embarrassed as well.

"S-S-Sure...hehe." Eren chuckled nervously. "Whenever you want."

"O-O-OK!" Erica said. "S-Sorry for interrupting y-your conversation."

"I-Its ok...W-We were about to l-leave anyway-" Annie stuttered but Ms. Jaeger interrupted her.

"How about you two stay here for the night? There's enough room for us all." Ms. Jaeger told them. Annie turn to look at Eren and he simply shrugged. She figured he wanted her to decide. But when she looked back to Ms. Jaeger, she couldn't say no to her generosity and nodded yes.

"We would love to." Annie said politely. "But it's still day time and young. Me and Eren plan to spend the day together."

"Oh!" Annie heard Eren cried out and she turn to see him smiling. "I got somewhere we can go!"

"When will you two be back?" Ms. Jaeger asked. Eren seemed to think about it as he stood up.

"I think around 7 or something." Eren told her. " least me because I plan of dropping Annie off here back at the apartments earlier than me. Is that ok with you, Annie?"

"Huh? Sure, but where are you going?" Annie asked him, feeling curious to what trouble he plans to go to.

"There's a place I have to check out where they sell junk." Eren told her. "They asked to go alone...but not for a bad reason, I promise."

"Ok...not going to argue with that." Annie said but smiled. "I trust you."

"Thanks." Eren said as he pulled her towards. Annie blushed bright red as he kissed her nose. "Let's go."

"Sure." Annie may have been blushing, but she loved the things he does. She actually loved him doing things like that. Things that made her heart beat faster and caused her to stare at his green eyes that seemed to stare at her emotions and feelings he causes.

Soon after they got out of the apartment, Eren took out a key and walks to a car. Annie was surprised to see that the key fits the car door and opens it. He walks to the other side and opens the passenger seat for Annie.

(Eren X Annie Book 2) Hurry Up and Save MeWhere stories live. Discover now