જ A Life Worth Living જ ☾Cait☽

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Reviewer: Caitrw

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Reviewer: Caitrw

Client: lonely_dreamer2

Book Title: A Life Worth Living

Title: 5/5

The title fits the story perfectly, it captures how the main character feels.

Blurb: 3/5

the blurb said all the right information however, it is a little lengthy and tells too much information that should be left for within the story. The beginning was perfect though.

Plot/flow of the story: 20/20

The story follows the plot and does not stray from it where the readers are left wondering how any of the information fits or what the plot is. When it comes to the flow, the flow was just right. The story did not move too fast or too slow as well as all the chapters connected.

Character Development: 5/5

The author did a great job at the character building aspect where we really got to know the characters, especially the main character. The characters' emotions were greatly described and fit with what was going on in the scene.

Grammar: 5/5

As I was reading I found that there were no grammar errors and all the punctuation was correctly used. The author did an amazing job at watching out for this area.

Reader enjoyment: 5/5

I really enjoyed this story, the author did a great job at making sure that the readers stayed interested and wanting more.

Short review:

Overall the author did a really great job on this story and I could find nothing wrong with the story besides the blurb being too lengthy and giving away too much information. The author also did a great job at indicating when there was a switch in tense between past and present by using the italics. The only part that confused me is that the story says it's about Daryl's daughter which I can understand if he takes in the main character and I can see that starting to happen however, it still seems a little misleading at this part of the story.

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