Chapter 5 Twins?!

Start from the beginning

"Everyone...someone showed up and attacked Eren outside just now." Annie told the group.

"What? Right now! Is Eren alright? Is he hurt?!" Ms. Jaeger asked.

"He's fine...but...let's all talk back at your guy's apartment, guys." Annie told them and they all agreed. Annie pulled out her phone and called Eren. "Eren?"

"Annie." She heard his sweat voice over the phone.

"Eren, did you get home safely?" Annie asked.

"Yeah, it was no problem with the Gear." Eren told her. "You told the others?"

"Yeah, I told them and we're heading back." Annie said. "I'll be home soon."

"Ok, love you." Eren said and then hangs up the phone.

"Annie, hurry up!" she heard Armin call her name.

"Ok." Annie turns around to runs outside to catch up with them. She saw them all waiting beside Jean's car and quickly realized something. "Uh...we can't all fit in there."

"I have that covered, Annie." Armin told her. She heard a honk and she turns to see Ymir's car pulled over behind Jean's car.

"Nice...I'm going with them!" Annie smiled and ran towards the car.

//Eren POV//

"Uh...huh?" Eren heard the girl, Erica, wake up and slowly open her eyes to meet his. "Huh?!"

"Glad you're awake." Eren smiled. She started to struggle but Eren had tied her up in the chair. He sat in front of her and simply watched her start pulling at the ropes.

"This can't hold me!" Erica spat.

"I know, but it will buy me time to make you a snack." Eren told her and she stopped struggling. He stood and placed the chair back to the table.

"What?" Erica sounded confused.

"Your stomach was growling when you were out." Eren tried not to laugh as she blushed.

"S-Shut up!" she shouted.

"Anyway, I just want to talk...if it's ok with you." Eren told her as he walked behind her and started to untie her.

"There is something really wrong with you if you're untying your hostage." Erica told him.

"You're not a hostage. I just want to understand what is going on." Eren told her as he finished untying her and she stood up and faced him. "Why do you look like me...?"

"No clue...but Daddy wants you gone." Erica told him.

"And by mean Grisha Jaeger, right?" Eren asked and she nodded. Eren felt anger rise but he managed to hold it in but not the words."He's nothing...but a monster..."

"Don't talk about him like that!" Erica shouted. "You don't know him much!"

"And why would he target me if I don't know him well, huh?" Eren told her and she stood there confused. "Erica...I'm not the enemy here. Believe me...I know him really well."

"How?" Erica stared at him confused. "How?!"

"He's my...father." Eren said. "That's how...he never loved me; he simply did experiments on me and tried to turn me in a mindless killing machine."

"'re're LYING!" Erica yelled as she shoved him to the wall and started to choke him again.

"I'm...not..." Eren told her as he felt no air going through his throat. "He tried to kill me...and my mother."

(Eren X Annie Book 2) Hurry Up and Save MeWhere stories live. Discover now