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Hello everyone for being patient all this time. So as I promised you earlier, I will be posting the results whenever I feel good. So here we are...

🎉Announcements : Best Overall presentation results 🎉

Author: elemariaJin

Book Title: Mission Hybrid

Title Evaluation:

Relevance: 8/10 - The title effectively suggests a mission related to hybrids, aligning well with the plot. 

Creativity: 7/10 - While imaginative, it could be more unique.

Intrigue: 8/10 - Provokes curiosity about the mission's nature and hybrids. 

Clarity: 7/10 - Communicates the central theme but could be clearer. 

Memorability: 7/10 - Potential to be memorable if the story explores compelling themes.

Overall Title Score: 37/50

Cover Evaluation:

 Meaningful Symbols: 7/10 - Needs improvement to better represent the story's theme. 

Touching Emotions: 5/10 - Lacks emotional impact directly related to the story. 

Creative Layout: 7/10 - Layout is appealing but could better convey the human-animal hybrid theme. 

Eye-Catching Text: 8/10 - Text is well-designed and enhances the cover's appeal. 

Interactive Fun: 8/10 - Features shiny elements, adding uniqueness.

Overall Cover Score: 35/50

Opening Chapter Evaluation:

 Engagement: 6/10 - Opening dialogue lacks a strong hook.

 Character Development: 6/10 - Characters introduced, but depth is lacking. 

 Setting Description: 5/10 - Minimal description, needs more immersion.

 Plot Intrigue: 5/10 - Weak plot hook, lacks clear direction.

 Writing Style: 6/10 - Conversational but could benefit from more detail.

Overall Opening Chapter Score: 28/50

Title Evaluation: 37/50 

Cover Evaluation: 35/50

Opening Chapter Evaluation: 28/50

(37 + 35 + 28) / 3 = 100 / 3 ≈ 33.33

Average Score: Approximately 33.33/50

Overall, there's potential for improvement in both the cover design and the opening chapter to better align with the story's themes and engage readers effectively.

Author: 12Oceana12

Book Title: 𝖤𝗑𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍 3:30 || BTS FAN-FICTION

Title Evaluation: 

Relevance: 8/10 - The title effectively suggests a mysterious encounter at 3:30, aligning with the plot. 

Creativity: 7/10 - The use of a specific time adds intrigue, but the concept could be more unique.

 Intrigue: 8/10 - Provokes curiosity about the mysterious event happening at 3:30. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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