30. in the air

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ghost reading isn't cute xx

! real life !

Shawn had been insisting that Aaralyn was to go on a date with him before she became busy with tour once again, only having a few days to see her friends before she entranced herself in her singing once again in her second leg of the tour. To his luck, they were in LA at the same time.

The two singers had been talking for a month or two now, they were both smitten with one another, feeling as though every time they spoke it was a breath of fresh air. Aaralyn needed that after her situation with Tom.

He told her that he would be picking her up and for her to dress casual but if she wanted to dress herself up a little bit more than she was more than welcome to so.

She didn't think she would be so riddled with nerves. He wouldn't tell her where they were going and it made her even more anxious just thinking about it. However, she did love a surprise once in a while and seeing as it was their first date, it was perfect.

Aaralyn opened the door once she heard it knock twice, rushing over while trying to put one of her shoes on. She opened it to see Shawn stood there with a bouquet of flowers in his hands with the largest smile on his face.

"Hey, you look great." Shawn grinned as Aaralyn opened her door, him wearing causal clothes also, making her feel a little better. "These are for you." He handed the bouquet over to her.

"So do you. Thank you so much these are gorgeous, just let me put them inside real quick." Aaralyn gleamed, leaving her trance of the man in front of her as she quickly put the flowers on her kitchen counter to then step out of her temporary home to lock the door. "So, where are we going?"

"You'll just have to wait and see won't you." Shawn l smiled cheekily, holding out his hand to her for her to take so he could escort her to his car.

"Oh, come on! I think you should tell me." Aaralyn groaned, tugging on his hand.

"The more you pull on my hand the less I'm gonna tell you, not that I was gonna tell you anyways." Shawn laughed at her defeated face, shaking his head at how cute she was. "Come on, get in."

"Ever the gentleman." Aaralyn feigned a look of shock as he opened the door for her, closing it behind her.

"You'll enjoy it, I promise." Shawn reassured her, trying to ease some of the clear anxiety that she was showing through her face.


"What the fuck." Aaralyns mouth slacked open as she looked at what was in front of her, she was now terrified, not knowing if she could go through with this date. "Are you crazy?"

"Come on! I've done it loads of times, I was scared the first time too but as soon as I was up there I felt free, it's exhilarating." Shawn tried to convince her, turning around to the small plane behind him.

Aaralyn had never been in such a small plane before, she had of course been on a normal one, when she would travel somewhere, but she didn't know if she trusted her life in the hands of Shawn.

"Have you even got a license to fly?" Aaralyn exclaimed.

"Of course I do." Shawn laughed. "Aaralyn I wouldn't get you in a plane if I didn't know how to properly fly the thing. This is gonna be great, just trust me."

Shawn approached her and placed his hands on either side of her head, bringing her attention to only him. Aaralyn stopped worrying for a second as he made sure she was only looking at him.

"If you don't wanna do this, I'm not gonna make you. We can do something else if you want, this is LA, there's loads of things to do. But, if you do wanna do this then I promise you it'll be life changing." Shawn told her.

Aaralyn knew she needed to open herself up to new experiences in life, she couldn't be scared of everything, she trusted Shawn when he said he was fully trained in this, she was sure it was as gonna be an amazing first date.

"Okay." Aaralyn nodded simply, Shawn's face lighting up.

"Okay?" Shawn questioned, making sure she was sure that she wanted to do this, he didn't want her to have a horrible day.

"Yes, I'll do it. Why not, what have I got to loose?" Aaralyn laughed nervously.

"Great, let's go." Shawn grinned brightly, leading her by her hand once again, this time towards the small plane. "Here step up on this and then sit in that seat there."

Aaralyn stepped up onto the plane and sat in the seat that Shawn instructed her to sit in. She looked around her at all the buttons, she didn't know how he could remember what each one did. "How long did it take you to learn?"

"It normally takes three months but I did a few extra just to be safe." Shawn told her. He sat down beside her in the pilot seat and handed her a headset, instructing her to put it on. "We're not gonna be able to hear each other up there so make sure you put this on so it's a bit better, you'll also be able to hear others speaking if I do something, but don't worry about that."

"Wait, let me get a photo of you." Aaralyn exclaimed, taking her phone out and snapping a photo of him smiling, it melted her heart. This was amazing.

! instagram !
aaralyn posted a story !

! instagram ! aaralyn posted a story !

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! crystal speaks !

hope you guys enjoyed this little date chapter, let me know if you want more :)
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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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