aaru bad dream

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so the episode starts with where aaru was sleeping holding abhi hand abhi sees the marks and apply  medicine on it he takes the scanning machine and scans and sees the baby is proper and healthy

aaru was sleeping suddenly she wakes up screaming abhi asks what happened she hugs him he says aaru relax relax i am here only she says abhi and abhi she was only taking abhi name he says open your eyes i am here only she sees him and feels relaxed 

he asks how are you she does not responds he says relax and makes her relax she lays on his chest and says i need to go back he says yes he calls varun sudeep and asks them to bag thier bags here abhi brings aaru the whole family was thier 

aaru was sitting with abhi abhi says we shall all leave and they leave back to udaipur aaru and abhi was sitting in the flight 

aaru was hugging abhi her hand was on her belly suddenly aaru says abhi he asks what happened any where pain is thier she says abhi baby kicked for the first time he asks what he keeps his hand on belly he says yes aaru baby kicked abhi calls the doctor she comes and examines aaru and says yes your are in your 5th month so from now onwards baby will kick she says abhi he says yes aaru he keeps his hand on her belly 

they land in udaipur they all reach thier house abhi takes aaru to his room and makes her sit she says abhi my belly is seen he says yes baby is growing aaru she says yes abhi 

aaru goes to bathroom and changes her dress she comes out angry he asks what happened she says my dress is not fitting me he says do not worry i have these pair  of dress he gives her and helps in changing he asks are you comfortable she says yes she looks at mirror and says belly is visible he touches it they both click photos

aaru was sitting and watching some movie abhi was sitting behind her and doing some work manjiri calls them for dinner 

abhi sees aaru she was sleeping like that only by seeing  movie abhi makes her sleep properly and covers with blanket and goes down manjiri asks where is aaru he says she is sleeping he haves his dinner and goes to room he was sleeping on her belly abhi corrects her position 

and sleeps turning that side 

it is morning sunrays hit them aaru wake up and sees abhi sleeping that side she gets angry and sits on the bed abhi gets up and says good morning baby and kisses her belly and does not kiss her 

she gets angry for that he goes takes bath and comes she also goes takes bath and comes and goes down for breakfast abhi was sitting aaru also sits manjiri serve them gobi paratha 

she haves it abhi did not even see her he also haves and goes to hospital aaru goes to her room and sits and takes her medicine and plays game in her tab 

she comes to hospital she was on rounds her assistance asked mam why did u come we could have managed she says i am fine she goes to her cabin 

nurse says mam you have a surgery she goes to ot and starts the surgery it almost took 6 hours to complete 

she comes out she asks nurse where is abhi she says sir already went home 

aaru also goes with driver she comes home manjiri asks aaru what will u have she says nothing and goes to her room she sees abhi doing some work 

he does not even see her she simply do her task and goes down manjiri and aaru was preparing dinner she helps her 

everyone comes down for the dinner aaru serves them abhi also haves after that aaru also have little and goes to her room and sees abhi sleeping   she sits on the bed and listen to music and sleeps like that 

the same routine was followed upto a week

it is morning abhi wakes up and sees aaru like that he removes the headphone and makes her properly sleep he takes bath and gets ready and goes down manjiri asks is aaru sleeping he says yes i will go out he goes 

here aaru wakes up she did not find abhi her health was not good she was not feeling good she drinks a glass of water and relaxes their only 

after sometime she comes down manjiri says aaru come have breakfast she says no maa i am not hungry i will have after sometime she says okay dear i will go market and come parth and shefali are also out if you want anything call me 

she says fine maa and she leaves aaru was alone in the house she was not feeling well suddenly her belly started to pain she started to scream in pain she picks her phone and calls abhi 

he receives the call and hears her scream and rushes to home he sees her winching in pain he carries her room and doctor also comes he makes her lay on the bed and sits next to her 

doctor examines her she takes the injection and injects to belly aaru screams loudly that time abhi scars her hairs doctor injects one more like that again she screams loudly after that she her pain reduces

abhi asked what happened to doctor it was false pain but aaru condition is not good she is weak why she is not eating food she look weak take care abhi i will put a bottle of glucose he says fine and injects the iv to her and goes abhi goes outside and asks is aaru and baby alright she says no abhi when i had to give that injection it was not now you need to give this at least till 7 months he says doctor she says yes if i give she will might face more pain so it is your duty to give because as husband you can support her he says fine and comes to room 

aaru  was sleeping abhi sits to next to her and scars her belly and injection sight he says i am sorry you had so much of pain and i was not their with you i am sorry  aaru and he holds her hand and sits 

after some time aaru wakes up abhi supports she sits he asks feeds her water she does not drink it and takes the water by herself and  drinks it abhi asks how are you felling she says how are you abhi says i am your husband she says please do not say that abhi asks aaru what happened to you she says please mr abhimanyu birla he says aaru she says stop it 

he asks what did i do she asks do you have a wife and that wife pregnant and she needs you do remember that he says yes i remember she asks why did you leave me he says aaru she asks what were doing these days he says there was problem in london branch so i was working with rakesh it is sorted now she says you could have said it to me i  would have understood  it how it feels when someone ignores you 

he says i understand i am really sorry she says abhi i am there for you and you can share me your problem he says sorry i will never this do this again 

aaru starts screaming in pain holding her belly abhi asked aaru what happened and lifts and take her to hospital 

they take aaru to emergency room doctor checks her abhi was with her she says abhi our baby he says nothing will happen doctor checks her and starts the required treatment 

after the treatment aaru feels better doctor says nurse bring some juice for her and brings it and says abhi feed her 

abhi feeds her and this because she has not take medicine properly and not eaten her food properly 

doctor says take care he says aaru she says abhi sorry he says i cannot see you in pain please she says yes 

and feeds her juice and brings her home 

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