Chapter 1 Hotel Trail 1/??

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Monobob: Now let's begin with an explanation of the Hotel trial, but i'm too lazy to do so. Monobosip will be explaining how things work around here.

Monobosip: *sigh* All you have to do is put the puzzle pieces together to make a believable answer to see who done it, pick the right one then you'll be spared, but the culprit won't be, pick the wrong one. Well, let's say it wasn't very happy for you, but it will be for whoever is responsible.

Doder: Question, why are there five other seats left?

Monobob: Empty seats are empty seats, this courtroom tends to fit at least almost  20 people, and they're 16 of you. I don't think you should worry about it too much. Anyone else wants to ask another time wasting question. No one. Good. Now figure out a what came first. Like what bruise came first before everything else during that crime scene.

Wow they are already giving us the start off of a difficult topic to start...

Eternity Bob: Those burn marks happened first, even if burn marks are excruciating. They're still more tame than everything else.

Bloodlust Bosip: But which hand was burned first?

Eternity Bob: I- uh I don't know.

Bloodlust Bosip: Of course you don't because you were on a hurry.

Soft Bosip: But He's trying his best.

Odio Todo: I would believe at least one of them was burned first and the other was burned last.

Bloodlust Bob: But how can we know which hand was burned first?

Juni: I think it was Apocalypse Bobal's right hand was burned first.

Aoba: I would disagree, it was his left hand.

Odio Todo: How can you be so sure of that and also you're deciding to finally talk.

Aoba: I always keep a temperature with me.

Eternity Bob: Thanks but how did that get there?

Aoba: My temperature is attached to a needle, when I got the results his left hand was 12 numbers shorter than his right hand. The numbers were 702 degrees Fahrenheit for the right, and 690 degrees Fahrenheit for the left.

(To my non-American audiences Fahrenheit is really fucking hot)

Eternity Bob: That was really specific but thanks for clarifying.

Aoba: You're welcome...

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