Chapter 5

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Reiner Braun, the mind and constitution of a grassfed-ox. Respected by his comrades.

Armin Arlert is built like a daffodil but academically brilliant.

Annie Leonheart, is gifted with a sword but doesn't exactly play well with others.

Bertholdt Hoover has heaps of native talent but is too mild-mannered. 

Jean Kirschtein. Almost head of the class on ODM; also an insufferable smartass with a hair-trigger temper.

Sasha Braus. Unusually fine instincts. Rarely shares them with her teammates 

Conny Springer. Agile on the switchbacks. Few sandwiches shy of a picnic. 

Mikasa Ackerman. Model Cadet, Excels in everything. In fact it's no overstatement to call the girl a genius.

Eren Yeager. Lackluster in the classroom marginally better in the field. But driven by a sense of purpose that's almost terrifying  

" Woohoo! Eren look I sliced better than you! " Emma flew right past Eren, wind flying in her brown hair and a bright smile on her face. 

Emma Yeager. Brilliant cadet, head of almost all classes for cadets. Though, she smiles too much and has an unusually bright attitude. 

" You're too tense, loosen your shoulders and fix your posture. " Her fingers were curved around the wooden knife they used for training. Annie stared at her from where she stood directly across from her. Emma adjusted her foot, let out a breath, and relaxed her body. She could feel the stare of Eren and Reiner Braun from a few ways away on the training ground. They had been analyzing them from afar. Annie was by far the best fighter here, Mikasa and her were on the same level. She would love to see the two brawl one day. She suddenly broke focus once the stares got too evident. She lowered her shoulders and the knife to her side. " Do you guys need something or do you want to take Annie on? " Emma looked over at the two boys who seemingly tensed at the sight both girls were giving them. Reiner had an evident smirk on his face as he approached, Eren trailing slowly behind. " Commandant not beaten you down enough? Keep it up, you'll be as flat as the dirt you're walking on. I suggest you think back to why you enlisted in the first place. " Reiner said that to Annit whose face darkened a glare pierced him. She blinked and her mouth fell agape at the insult. He moved around Eren and grabbed his shoulders. "Okay. Now go get her. " It was bait to aggregate her so Eren could take her on, she was sure Eren wasn't aware of her fighting style because she nearly knocked him on his feet in a mere second. She tried to hide her giggle as she stood side by side with Reiner and watched her brother's butt get beat. " Are we done here? "

" Not just yet, you know the drill. Take up the dagger. " She did and Eren was knocked on his back again. She laughed, using her mouth to hide her laughter. " There. So you ready to take me in yourself yet or what? " Reiner stepped back in hesitation. " Don't you dare? She's got a lesson coming right? You go get her. " Reiner's eyes switched from Eren's to Annie's. " Yeah, a soldier can't afford to back down either. Get ready here I come! " Reiner was knocked down in seconds too, Emma watched and giggled behind her hands, and Annie was already walking away. She was still laughing as she helped both boys up, Eren flinched once he was back on his two feet. Reiner flitched too. " She's knocked me down a few times, she's good. Maybe ask her for a few tips before agitating her. " 

" Wow, this library hasn't been used in ages huh? " She stared at the dusty small library that was on the grounds. She stood with Armin, Jean, Bertholdt, and Reiner. The door creaked open upon arrival and it looked abandoned. " I guess the cadets would rather be training than reading. " Armin muttered, he looked around the dark room and carried a lantern in hand. Each one of them did despite the small sunlight peeking through the few windows in the room. " Do you guys read or are you just here? " She was sure the three other boys had nothing better to do, they were just there to explore the grounds with the rest of them. " Thought you might need help looking for a book Little Yeager. " Reiner ruffled her hair, a smile on his face. " I wanted to find a book actually. " Bertholdt stated, they all moved forward in the library, pushing past spider webs and dust. " These books are ancient, I wonder who last checked out a book from here. " 

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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