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The guy I like his name is Aiden and I found out he doesn't like me back, so I wasn't really going to write again today but I was bored. 


(Finney POV)

I see the Grabber walk in with a tray of eggs and sets it on the floor. "Eat it don't eat it... you're going to die either way" the man says with a smile. He came closer to the corner where we all were. All of a sudden, I feel Robin push me behind him. The Grabber gets closer, and I see Vance get in front of Bruce with his fist in a tight ball to where they were almost turning purple. All of a sudden, I see the Grabber grab for Bruce and Vance quickly pushed him back away, but with all the drugs the Grabber have gave him he was weak and couldn't fight him. Robin wanted to do something he had anger fill his eyes, but he didn't do anything; he didn't fight back I don't know why. The Grabber ends up taking Bruce and heading upstairs with him while we were trying to make him let Bruce go but it was no use he was stronger than we were.

(WARNING!!- R^pe is contained in this short bit skip if you aren't comfortable. If this has ever happened to you tell a trusted adult. NOT DETAILED) 

(Bruce POV)

The Grabber grabs me by my shirt collar and tries to take me upstairs while the other boys are trying to make him let go but it was no use. He drags me upstairs and takes me to a dirty room that seemed to be his. He grabs my shirt and forcefully takes it off of me I scream, and I cry trying to get anyone's attention. He takes off my pants and I try to make him stop. "Stop fucking squirming or I won't be so gentle" the Grabber says with a firm voice. I just sat there and let him continue, crying uncontrollably. It hurt everywhere, he finally stopped after he got bored and let me put my clothes back on before we headed back to the basement. He grabbed me and took me down to the basement where all the boys were waiting for me to return. He pushes me back in and closes the door to the basement. Vance got up and ran to hug me, I started too just cry. "It hurts! It hurts so bad." I say my eyes filling with tears. Vance just looked at me and he wanted me to tell him what happened, but as much as I wanted to tell him I couldn't every time I tried to tell him I just break down in tears. I didn't want any of the other boys to go through what I did; the pain, the regret, how disgusting you feel after. I felt used and scared that I wouldn't be loved anymore, especially by Vance.

(Finney's POV)

I was scared for Bruce; I didn't know what was going on and I didn't really want to. I hear someone come down the stairs and the basement door unlocking and opening. The Grabber throws Bruce into the room and leaves while locking the door. I see Bruce crying his eyes red and puffy, so many bruises were on his whole body. I look over to see Vance who was red I could tell he just wanted to kill the Grabber for what he did to Bruce. We all go over to Bruce trying to comfort him until he says "It hurts! It hurts so bad." I knew what he meant either the Grabber was hitting him or... I didn't even want to think it. The only person he was comfortable with hugging was Vance, so we let them have their alone time while Griffin and Billy fall asleep on the mattress.

"I can't believe that happened to Bruce..." I quietly say to Robin. 

 "Yeah, the Grabber always takes him and brings him back like this. I just wish I can kill that hijo de puta" [R]

I look over at Robin who was already looking at me, I missed looking at his pretty eyes and hair. I couldn't help but turn red. I loved Robin for a long time ever since 2nd grade, when he first protected me from Matty, Matt, and Buzz. 

-726 words-

I hope you enjoyed this chapter; I personally didn't really know what to write. AND TY SOO MUCH FOR READIINGG I LOVE YOU GUYSS! <3 

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