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The shrill ringing of the alarm pierced through the air once more, shattering the silence of the night and heralding the start of another day. Valeria, now 4 years old, knew only the routine of the Red Room – train, rest briefly, then train again. She had no memories of life outside this relentless cycle, and her focus was solely on mastering her skills and obeying the commands of her handlers.

Valeria sat up, waiting quietly as the guard walked over to open her handcuffs. It was another part of the routine she faced every morning, as all the girls in the Red Room were forced to sleep in handcuffs until they passed their final test. The guard unlocked the handcuffs with a familiar click, the cool metal sliding off her wrists and dropping to the floor with a soft clatter.

Valeria went through the motions with practiced ease, discarding her pajamas and donning her form-fitting, black training suit. She fell in step with the other girls as they made their way to the breakfast hall, her body adjusting instinctively to the routine. Though only 4 years old, she had already spent two years in the confines of the Red Room, and its rhythm had become second nature to her. She approached the breakfast hall with the same stoicism as her older peers, her mind already focused on the training session that awaited her.

Valeria swiftly finished her meal and made her way to the training room, pushing open the door cautiously and taking her place with the other girls in an organized line. Their training instructor, the Madam, entered the room, and an expectant hush descended upon the group as all eyes turned towards her, awaiting her commands and direction for the day's training session.

"Today" She spoke, eyes trained on each girl as she paced in front of them. "Target practice, then sparring. Get a gun, and begin."

The girls obeyed without question, each seizing a firearm and moving toward the designated targets in unison. The air quickly filled with the deafening sounds of rapid fire, and not one shot missed its mark. The precision and speed with which they fired was a testament to their training, each girl displaying an unwavering determination to hit her target with unfailing accuracy. It was a testament to the Red Room's efficiency, as each girl executed her assigned task with almost mechanical precision, a chilling display of discipline and lethality.

The girls' attention was suddenly drawn away from their firing as the door opened and two male guards entered, moving swiftly towards Valeria. They grabbed her arms, forcibly wrenching her away from her position and dragging her out of the room without explanation. She struggled, her face etched with fear and confusion as she was pulled out of the training room without so much as a word of warning.

The guards forcefully propelled the 4-year-old into a room, one she did not recognize. As soon as she stepped over the threshold, the door slammed shut behind her, trapping her alone with Derykov and nothing but a bench loaded with guns in sight. The gravity of the situation hit her like a truck, her eyes widened with fear and confusion as she stared at the arsenal before her.

"что... происходит?" The girl spoke, her words broken and voice shaky as she walked towards Dreykov. (What... happening?)

"Today, you have a test. Do not fail" Dreykov replied, she nodded. Understanding his English though she couldn't speak it herself.

She cautiously approached the guns laid out on the bench, gingerly picking one up and bracing herself for a test of accuracy. To her immense surprise, however, they brought in a bound, hooded man, bringing a new and far more sinister dimension to the situation. The change in circumstances caused her to freeze, her heart pounding in her chest as fear and uncertainty flooded her mind.

Derykov issued the command, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on them both. Valeria's hands trembled as she held the gun up, her fingers trembling around the trigger, the sound of the safety disengaging sending a chill down her spine. She raised the gun, her aim shaking as she struggled to steady herself. Ignoring the man's anguished cries and pleas for leniency, Valeria steeled herself, knowing that refusing to follow orders would come at an even greater cost.

She placed her small fingers on the trigger, making sure she was aiming at the man's head before pulling the trigger.


The recoil of the gun momentarily forced Valeria to step back as she watched the man drop to the ground with a heavy thud. She took a brief moment, tears streaming down her cheeks, before setting the gun back down and hastily wiping the tears away. The gravity of the situation continued to sink in, the weight of taking a life pressing heavily on her small shoulders. Though she had carried out her orders stoically and without hesitation, the emotional toll was slowly creeping up on her.

Valeria froze in place as Dreykov approached, a mix of surprise and confusion crossing her features. As he gently placed his hand on her head and tenderly ran his fingers through her hair, a brief flicker of surprise flickered across her expression before quickly giving way to a moment of tender affection. The gesture was unexpected and provided a small, fleeting moment of solace for the young girl.

"Now, now child. Don't cry. It will get easier." He paused for a moment before talking once again. "We think that you are ready."

"За что?" She questioned, looking up at the older man in confusion. (For what?)

"The final training."


this is sorta a filler chapter but it will be important to her story and how she ends up the way she does. sorry its short, hope you enjoyed!

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