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Night fell. Michikatsu approached the bustling city. Michikatsu was here because of a mission. A festival was taking place in the city, because of this, many people were on the streets. And bright lanterns and other decorations gave the city a special mood.
Michikatsu had to find the demon. And in order not to be molested by people, the elder Tsugukuni had to disguise himself a little. Now Michikatsu walks around with the first Kitsune mask on his face.
The festival is dedicated to the sun god. In the depths of the night, they create the impression of day. Crowds of people on the streets . Bright lanterns at every turn. And at midnight there will be fireworks in the dark sky that will illuminate all the people living here. It is also customary to wear traditional Japanese masks to show people your inner self and cleanse your soul of sins on the sacred night, where the sun reigns once a year. The holiday begins at sunset.
From the first person Michikatsu
I've been looking for this damn demon for an hour. It's almost dawn, but I'm already working hard. My friend, pillar of the wind, has been saying this for several days. Like , I haven 't slept for a week , but only train and go to exterminate demons , I don 't do anything else .
He can send this demon . After all, I deserve a rest, so I can go and drink sake.
In front of me there was an old, unadorned shop. There was only one low person inside her.
- Pour me tokutei meiseshu sake, please.
They mumbled something unintelligible to me, but it seemed as if the middle-aged man agreed. But I was alerted by the guy standing next to me. As soon as he noticed me, his face twisted into a grimace of horror. His already pale face seemed to have turned whiter than snow. This young man is still young, especially younger than me, he looks sick.
- Young man, are you all right? Don't you need to see a doctor?
I put a callused hand on the guy's shoulder. He just pushed me away weakly. I effortlessly removed the mask from my own face and put it on so that it would stay near my forehead.. She makes it so difficult to see normally! And this bastard doesn't know how to accept help? I just sighed, trying to calm down. Remember, always, always remember humility. Be patient. You've been taught that.When I was calming down, the salesman called out to the patient and asked:
- Kid, are you all right?
The friend pursed his lips and shook his head softly, uncertainly. When the stranger looked at me, he seemed to cool down. Next, I was gifted with an eerily well-honed physiognomy. Was he able to calm down just because he saw my face? Interesting.
Next, an awkward silence prevailed along with the sounds of objects. Sake was disgustingly bitter. It looks like the friend didn't like it either, judging by facial expressions. His smell was a little different from the smells I remember. The sounds he made also looked fake, as if he had deliberately created them. And his reaction to me makes me more terribly intrigued by the short young man.
- The fireworks show will start soon. Unknown, do you want to take a look.?
Michikatsu already knew which place he would take the guy to. During the time spent in this town, the red-haired man noticed a devastated hill near the outermost houses. It should be great to see the proud look of fireworks at this place.
- Entertain me, samurai.
Now they were on high ground. Even when the samurai was spending time with a friendly guy, he was still ready for a sudden attack by a demon, holding on to the handle of his katana. Michikatsu's gaze was directed at black 
- Are you always this tense?
Michikatsu only now noticed that the stranger had sat down on the grass.
- I think so. I'm always at work.
The stranger chuckled derisively. Winking, the Demon King
- But you're with me now. Rest with me, samurai.
No. You're an ordinary person. I'm a demon slayer. I'm here on a mission, and you're here by the will of your heart. Unlike you, I know that there is no human present in the town.
I let go of the handle of my katana and sat down next to the black-haired stranger in an attempt to relax, putting a reliable katana next to me with a trembling hand.
- Do you like your job so much that you can't even rest properly?
Michikatsu only grunted sullenly, shrugging his shoulders, fixing his gaze on the red-eyed one.
- I am indifferent to my work. She's just as beneficial to me as I am to her. I have no reason to be here anymore.
- I've never liked it.It is often imposed by parents that sons should be the father's successors.
Michikatsu just grinned with satisfaction.
- I could have avoided this fate if my brother hadn't run away from his father's house, but then I was too blinded by fecting. Although even now I love fighting. It relieves stress.
Michikatsu leaned back on the ground, staring at the sky. Then Muzan was next to him.
- And I'm here because I wanted to relieve the accumulated stress of having sex with a prostitute, but your company is definitely better.
Michikatsu snorted sarcastically, making a face of disgust.
- Boy, you have a sharp tongue. My father and his servants would have kicked you for saying that.
- But your father is not here, so I can say whatever I want.
The samurai only grumbled to himself, and his companion moved closer to him. He felt the touch of an icy hand, Michikatsu only pulled the limb away from his body.
- Be careful if you keep acting like this. I remember one boy who was beaten and raped by five people. Only five , because more creatures quickly got tired of it. It happened because he said the wrong thing.
"Samurai, you think some boys can beat me up. Don't underestimate me, I'm strong, stupid.
- I'm just worried about you. You seem like a good person, but you're too brave, although you're more dumb than brave.
"And you're too direct and belligerent, samurai. I like.
A terrifying ear-to-ear smile reigned on the red-eyed man's face, which alerted Michikatsu, and the stranger's subsequent words relaxed Michikatsu a little.
- It's getting light. Why are they taking so long to set off these stupid fireworks?
- I don't know, kid.
Then they checked for 10 minutes in awkward silence. Michikatsu was about to break the silence when fireworks began to reign in the sky. Bright flashes lit up Michikatsu's surprised face. He realized that it had been so long since he had attended an event that he had already forgotten what fireworks looked like. This is probably the second time in his life that he has contemplated loud flashes after a long time.
- Well, how is it? They're wonderful, aren't they?
A nasty pungent smell sticks into my nose. Silently, I ran away from the company of a stranger. The demon is close, I must not bury him. Under the noise of the ongoing fireworks, Michikatsu managed to hear the sound.
The nearby sound of rustling grass makes me stop and grab the cold handle of my katana.
A sharp loud crash echoed behind me. They're attacking! Gritting my teeth, I dodged the bird claws heading to pierce my back.
Another non - human brat . The demon looked like a human, but with bird elements. The sharp appendages, similar to the bones of the raven's wings, went straight to the hunter's heart with their appearance
I just snorted in displeasure and rushed closer to the enemy with all my might. Without a second thought, I cleared my way out of these wings by using one of the moon breath styles. Making a final lunge, I slid the katana blade through the hard neck, thereby decapitating him.
After that, I stared blankly at one point in front of me, smelling the familiar smell of ashes. Sighing wearily, I put the blade back in its sheath. The task is completed.
It just dawned on me . I left a stranger at the top of the hills. It's not nice of me somehow.
After a couple of minutes, I looked around, hoping to find the sweet guy standing on top of the hill with a cursory glance. Has he already left?  Unfortunately, we didn't watch the fireworks together. The fireworks have already ended. I hope he's okay. Patients need a lot of care, but deep down I had a doubt that this was a demon.
After a while, I left the place with a strange feeling in my chest, as if someone was looking at me, but I can't figure out which side.
Muzan is located on a branch of one of the huge trees with a wide forehead. Today, he had huge plans for one demon slayer.
Initially, Muzan was scared to hell when he saw a familiar fighter, but realized that it wasn't him.
- Michikatsu, what did you do!?
The shock that swept over Yoriichi competed with a feeling of emptiness, betrayal. The hunter in front of him was even more emotional. With a historic voice, the fighter managed to squeeze out:
- He is... He c-became a demon.
1579 words
Dear readers, I'm taking a break for a week. Releasing chapters every two days is difficult for 1200-2000 words.

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