The New Land ⛰️

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After a storm the ship made it to the new land

Branch: Wow it's beautiful

Floyd: I've never seen anything like it

Clay: It can look like Brick's foot for all I care. Just as long as we get off this stinking boat

John Dory: Come on guys. We didn't come all this way to look at it

Then they brought the boat to the shore and got off

Floyd: John what are you doing?

John Dory: I'm just getting a better look

Then he sees the new land

Isla was in a bush with Ritmo and Harmony watching John Dory

Harmony goes towards John Dory

Isla tries to stop her but it was too late

Harmony went to John Dory and banged into him

John Dory: I've never seen something like you before

Then Harmony finds something in his satchel

John Dory: You like that huh?

Harmony: *nods* 

John Dory: Well try eating that for weeks 

Then Harmony waves at Isla and Ritmo

Ritmo: *whispers* No you idiot it's not safe 

John Dory: Do you have a friend over there?

Then he goes towards the bushes

Isla: *quietly* Oh no 😨

Ritmo: *quietly* I got you Isla, don't worry 😉

Isla: *thinking* Oh this won't end well

Then Ritmo throws his quills at John Dory

Ritmo: Quédate invasor! No dañaras a mi amiga (translation: Stay back invader! You will not harm my friend)

Floyd: John you better get down here the governor is coming ashore

John Dory: Ok I'm coming

Then he went down

Ritmo went back to Isla

Ritmo: I told you that I had your back

Isla: Oh Ritmo

Back with the colonizers:

Floyd: I don't know this place kinda gives me the creeps and with the rumor that I heard

Clay: Oh yeah

Branch: What rumor?

Floyd: Years ago Aunt Gemma came here with a crew and one day half of the crew including Aunt Gemma went missing

Clay: Mom was devastated to hear this. She and Gemma were close

Branch: What happened to them?

John Dory: We think that it's savages that attacked them

Brick: Those rumors are nonsense just ignore them

Floyd: Hard to ignore when your aunt is part of it

Then they leave to unload the boat

Brick: Captain John Dory it seems like I picked the right spot. Not a savage in sight

John Dory: Just because we don't see any doesn't mean there aren't any out there

Brick: Well maybe you should determine their where about

John Dory: If there are any out there I'll find them

Then he leaves

Brick: Alright boys break out the shovels time to start digging

Clay and Branch: Digging? 🤨🤨

Brick: Yes let's not forget what the Spanish found what they came here. Crystals lots of them and now it's our turn

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