Islahontas 🍃🍁

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The warriors were coming back from a battle

Holly was a sorceress and a was making animals in the fire smoke for the kids to watch and enjoy

Hype: Hi Holly

Holly: Hi honey. How are you?

Hype: Good

Holly: How's the egg?

Hype: Good

Holly and Hype were waiting for their baby to hatch

Then they heard the horns being blown and knew that the warriors returned

They all went to the river to greet the warriors and the chief, Chief Clover

Daisy went to her boyfriend Ablaze and Prism went to her boyfriend Trickee who were warriors 

Chief Clover: It's good to be home. With the help of our brothers the enemy has been defeated and there is peace again

Indian Trolls: *cheer* 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

Holly: Your return has brought great joy. Look at all of the smiling faces

Chief Clover: But there is one I don't see. Where is my daughter?

Hype: You know Islahontas

Holly: She has her mother's spirit and goes wherever the wind takes her

Then on a cliff over water:

Isla was standing there feeling the wind

Viva: Islahontas! Your father is back! Come down here!

Isla: He's back Ritmo

Then she runs past her hedgehog friend Harmony

Isla: Come on Harmony

Then Harmony puts the fruit she was eating in her mouth and runs after Isla

Isla then jumps off the cliff

Viva: No not that way

But Isla was already diving off the cliff and she landed in the water

Harmony: Our turn Ritmo

Then she grabs Ritmo and they jump off the cliff

Ritmo: Ah!

Harmony: Wahoo!

They land in the water

Viva: Isla are you okay? Well you better be okay because I'm not coming in after you

Then Isla tips the boat over

Under the boat:

Viva: Huh don't you think we're getting *coughs* a little old for these games?

Then Isla splashes Viva with water

They start to have a splash fight under the boat

Viva: Help me turn this over

Then the turn the boat over

Viva: What were you doing up there?

Isla: Thinking

Then Harmony shook the water off her

Isla: Harmony

Viva: About the dream again. Have you figured it out?

Isla: I know it means something I just can't figure out what

Viva: You should ask your father

Isla: Maybe I should

Then they head to the village

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