Chapter 11 Holy church

900 36 4

"###": Talking

Rimuru: person talking

Italic: actions

(###): Thinking

[###]: Great sage talking

[[###]]: Raphael talking

{[###]}: Voice of the world

<###>: talking with talking skills (sage, Raphael, Voice of the world and so on)

Black Flame: telling a skill

-###-: using skills

*###*: magic

[(###)]: thought communication

hello: first person narrator

Hello: third person narrator

Little pauses

With Hinata that is now at the church she ran where Luminous was

Hinata: runs inside the holy place "Lady Luminous"

Luminous: "Hinata you are alive!?" shocked to see her as everyone said that she died "How is possible everyone says that you died..."

Hinata: "I almost died if wasn't for a hero..." looks at Luminous

Luminous: "I guess it was the masked hero that sealed Veldora that saved you..."

Hinata: "Yes she is in love with Rimuru lady Luminous isn't dangerous that a hero and a monster stays so close?"

Luminous: "Rimuru is now a demon lord and he is enough arrogant to not partecipate" looks at Hinata

Louis: "Still we have to understand what we plan to do with him he is now a confirmed demon lord and our church sees demon lords as a enemy..."

Hinata: "We can still beat him"

Luminous: "No..."

Louis: "What do you mean by that lady Luminous?" a bit shocked

Luminous: "Rimuru isn't someone to take easily..."

Hinata: "He is strong but not impossible to beat"

Luminous: "As surely you heard Veldora is back" lays down on the sofa "and that isn't even the biggest problem..."

Hinata: "Veldora the storm dragon? didn't he got sealed by the hero?"

Luminous: "Veldora is stronger than ever and he isn't the only problem"

Hinata: "How can be a true dragon not be the biggest problem?"

Luminous: "Jura Tempest is the strongest nation in the world and without a doubt not even a Tenma war could cause them problems..."

Hinata: (How powerful did Rimuru got in just 4 days!?) "But isn't the Tenma war with the angels and so on?"

Luminous: "Rimuru has 2 primordial demons with all their bloodlines named and the 2 primordials are named and evolved in devil lords so they are true demon lords" looks at Hinata "and has 3 or even 4 beings that are powerful as true dragons..."

Hinata: "How can someone be powerful as a true dragon?"

Luminous: "Quite simple when you have 2 true dragons and one says that Rimuru is by far superior to them..."

Hinata: (Rimuru just how powerful are you?) "Then it's better looking for a peaceful solution with them?"

Luminous: "I don't know what tell you if Rimuru understands that the church was connected to the attack at Tempest then we are dead he would attack us without problems..."

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