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We walked down to the office of his father. We got there and opened the door. Hiroko walked into the office and shut the door behind him. I sat on the ground as I heard muttering inside the room. I heard the door open. I looked up and saw Hiroko standing beside me.
"He said yes you can get a bodyguard." Hiroko told me.
"Oh my god thank you!" I exclaimed.
"Your welcome, Keres." Hiroko reassured me.
"Let's go out to the city today! I want to see a few stores." I said with happiness.
"Alright Keres lead the way." Hiroko said.
We walked out of the house. Down the pathway away from the mansion. Once we got to the mansion's gate we turned left. We walked down the street towards a shopping center. When we got to the center I saw Sophie with Kiyo and Kei.
I walked towards the center but then stopped remembering her words. A dagger flew right by my head as I started running from where I came. Sophie ran after me Calling my name. She turned a corner as I slowed down and stopped. I looked back to see no one following me. I continued walking down the street as Sophie ran in front of me blocking my path forward.
" I said wait! I just want to talk to you" She said out of breath.
"No, I don't want to talk to you! You threw me out! I'm happy without you!" I exclaimed to Sophie.
"Really now? Who are you living with now?" Sophie asked curiously.
"None of your business." I scoffed.
I looked back to see Kiyo and Kei blocking my path back. I look around for a new escape. I couldn't find one. As the three of them got closer to me I saw Hiroko ram into Kuiyo and Kei. He knocked them to the ground as he took my arm and ran with me back to the center.
I ran down streets getting away from the three of them. Hiroko took me into a one way alley. He then hid behind a dumpster as I followed him. I got behind a dumpster as I heard Kiyo, Kei and Sophie's voices. They got to the alley and split up trying to search for me.
As their voices faded away I stood up with Hiroko. We walked back to the shopping center. We got to a crosswalk as we looked around. We tried to figure out where we were. I started to panic as I knew the three of them would be back. We looked around to see everyone giving me a look of disgust. I looked at Hiroko as we walked across the crosswalk.
We got to the other side of the crosswalk as we turned left heading back in the direction we came from. We got to a turn as we turned down that street. We smelt a barbecue place and decided to stop for some food. We got to the restaurant as we entered. It was a western style restaurant.
We got seated as we saw another group inside the restaurant. There was one person that stood out from the three of them. That person was a girl. She had purple dyed hair. She looked around and I saw she had beautiful green eyes. I Blushed at the sight of her.
"Ooooo, looks like someone has a crush already. Huh keres." Hiroko teased me.
"Shut up Hiroko!" I exclaimed.
"Why? It's alright to have a crush. Go talk to her. I bet she will be into you." Hiroko stated while trying to raise my confidence.
"Alright." I said as my confidence levels went down.
I stand up and walk over to her. I get to her as I look at her. She stares back as she gets up. She walks me towards the back. We get there and she leans up against the wall.
"So what's up? You seemed so flustered when I looked at you." Ume said with a flirty voice.
"W..well uhm... You look outstanding.. I want to get to know you better.. If that's fine with you." I stuttered when saying that.
"Yeah sure. That's fine. I'm not gonna lie, you seem interesting too." Ume remarked.
"T..Thank you.. Anyways, what's your name?" I asked shyly.
"It's Ume. Ume Suzuki. What's your's?" Ume said confidently
"I..it's Keres. Keres waltham." I stuttered.
"Well Keres it's your lucky day. I've been looking for someone to get my mind off of this world's problems."
She takes me Towards the table again as I sit down and eat some of my steak I ordered. Ume sat down next to me as she stared down Hiroko. She then ate her food as well. Hiroko joined in as well. Ume looks at Hiroko.
"So what brings you over to this part of the city, rich boy?" Ume mocked.
"Well I'm here with Keres going shopping. He was kicked out of his home then another person's home. He then ran into me. I took him to my mansion and now we're out trying to buy clothes for him. But we ran into his family and his family's friends who tried to kill him." Hiroko said truthfully.
"Oh. That sounds like a rough life. Is there any way I can help out?" Ume asked with concern.
"Well if you want to be his bodyguard then that would be great. We already agreed to let him have a bodyguard." Hiroko stated to Ume.
"Sure I will be his bodyguard. Just let me know your address and where you'll be next." Ume stated.
"Alright sounds good." Hiroko said.
We finished our food and stood up. I get Ume's number as we head to our next destination. When we got out of the restaurant we walked down the street. We saw a group of people in a park.
We walked towards the park. When we got there we saw a stage where a band was playing music. We saw stalls spanning from all five of the park entrances. We walked in as we heard some guy behind us calling our names. We both turned around to see a tall blond male and a short petite female.
"Hey! Are You here to party?" The woman asked.
"We just came to look around, right Keres?" Hiroko asked me.
"U..uh yea to look around." I stated
"Well if ya ever need anything don't hesitate to come to our stall. It's the final one before the stage." The man said.
"Alright sounds good." Hiroko stated.
They walk off as Hiroko and I are left standing together in the park. We look at each other as we laugh aloud. We walk down the pathway chatting as we see a gaming section. We walk towards it.
"Welcome one, welcome all! Here you'll find the best selection of games and consoles for sale!"
"Sir, may I get the Xbox one? And a switch with the pokemon games as well?"
"Yes of course you can! Here you go! That will be $140." The man said.
"Done! Do you want anything Keres?" Hiroko asked.
"No, I'm good." I say.
"Alright then. Well be off once I get the items I paid for." Hiroko says with irritation.
My stomach growls as he gets his items he paid for. We walked to the one stall where those two said they would be. We got there and saw some takoyaki and yakisoba being made. We walked up to the stall.
"Hey! It's you two again!" the man exclaims.
"Yeah, we are here for some food." I say to the man.
"Well all we have at the moment is takoyaki and yakisoba. Want some of that? It'll be on the house just for you two." he says to us.
"Yes we'll have two of each. By the way, what's your guys' names?" Hiroko asks the man.
"My name is Hugo Obrero. And my wife's name is Eva Maria Vázquez. What's yours?" he asks.
"Mines Keres." I responded.
"And mine is Hiroko." he responded after me.
"Well It's nice to meet you two. I hope the food is to your liking. And we hope to see you two again in the future." Hugo says to us.
We get the food and start walking away and out of the park. Once we got out of the park we walked home. Once we get home we can see its night out. I walked to my room. When I got to my room I fell asleep on my bed. I opened my eyes to see the figure of Ai standing before me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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