Part 13

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February 17, 2016
13 weeks 1 day
"Kate." He whispers. She moans, but stays asleep. "Kate, wake up." He whispers again. "I thought you learned the first time around to never wake a pregnant woman." She groans as she rolls onto her back. "What?" She asks annoyed. "Sorry. I just thought you'd like to know that you have a bump." He says. That's when she's aware of his hand on her lower abdomen. She stands and throws back the covers so quickly she's shocked she doesn't make herself dizzy. She stands in front of their full length mirror in the corner of the room.
Kate turns to her side and lifts Rick's t-shirt that she stole as pajamas up over her stomach. She gasps when she notices the slight curvature of her stomach that no one would notice if they weren't as intimately acquainted with her body as she and Rick were. "Oh my God." She sighs with the biggest smile on her face. Rick joins her in the mirror as he kneels down to kiss the bump. "Guess I better start looking for stretch marks cream." Kate says as she runs her fingers over the faint lines that mark her hips.
Rick shrugs, "I like them." He says as he presses his fingers over hers. "You're my husband, you have to say that." She tells him. He stands fully and shakes his head while her arms wrap around his neck, "No, I promised to never lie to you. And believe me when I say every change your body went through with Royce, and every change it will go through with this baby and anymore we may have, I will always love because it's proof that you grew our babies." He assures her. Tears fill her eyes at his sweet words.
"You're the best man." She says as she pulls him down for a kiss. They pull apart when they hear muffling on the baby monitor, "Mama." "Guess whose awake?" Rick jokes. Kate looks back down at her bump, "I guess we should start telling people, huh? I'm only going to get bigger from here." She says. "We can call our parents after breakfast. Put Royce in his 'big brother' shirt and show them." He suggests and she nods. "Mama!" They hear through the baby monitor again and both laugh, "Let's go get him." She says.
"Hi Bubba." She smiles widely when she sees her son. Royce jumps in his crib with excitement before Kate lifts him and presses kisses to his cheeks. "Morning, Buddy." Rick says before Kate passes the toddler to him. "Look, Royce, it's the baby." Kate says as she pulls her shirt up to show her son her bump. "Baby!" Royce screeches making both parents laugh. "Yeah, it's the baby. Be gentle on Mama's belly." Rick says as he squats down so Royce can put his hand on his mother's bump. "Baby." Royce says as he pokes right next to her belly button and then lays his hand over the area he just poked.
Kate lays her hand over Royce's and just stares at the little boy in awe that three years ago he was the one inside her tummy. She's excited to have another newborn in the house, she misses when Royce was tiny and so dependent on her. She wonders how he'll be around the baby. If he'll get jealous or be infatuated with them. Rick interrupts her thoughts as he stands. "Let's go have some breakfast. Waffles?" He asks. Royce claps his hands and Kate nods at the suggestion before reaching for Royce.
"Let's change your diaper, mister, while Dada starts breakfast." She says. She carries him over to the changing table while Rick makes his way out to the kitchen and begins preparing the batter and heating up the waffle maker. His wife and son join him a few minutes later and they all enjoy breakfast together. "Do you wanna go put him in the shirt while I clean up?" Kate asks. Rick nods and takes the toddler to clean him up and slip the navy blue 'Big Brother' shirt on him. When he walks back out, he finds the kitchen table cleared and his wife sitting down with her phone in her hand.
"Bubba, you wanna call Nonna and Pop?" She asks her son who nods. Rick places him in her lap before sitting next to his wife and son while she FaceTimes her mother. Johanna answers on the second ring, "Hello!" "Hi Mom. What are you doing?" "Dad and I just got done eating breakfast and we're getting ready to hit the road up to Boston for a conference." Johanna answers, "What're you guys doing?" "Just relaxing until Rick goes into work later. Where's Dad?" Kate asks.
    She sees her father appear in the frame, "Hey there! How's it going?" Jim asks, "It's going good. We actually wanted to show you guys something." Kate says before lifting Royce so he's standing on her thighs. Rick and Kate watch and laugh as the script on their son's shirt registers with her parents, "Katherine Houghton! Are you pregnant?" Her mother finally asks. Kate lowers Royce back down and chuckles, "Yes, I'm pregnant again." She tells them. They cheer and immediately congratulate them, "How far along are you? When are you due?" Johanna asks, "I'm 13 weeks and I'm due late August. We found out around Christmas."
    "That's so exciting. Congratulations you guys." Jim says as Johanna nods, "We're really happy for you. And Royce is going to be an excellent big brother." Johanna adds, "Thank you. We're going to call Martha now, but we just wanted to finally tell you. Have fun at the conference." "We will. Keep us updated, sweetheart. Take care of each other. Love you guys." Johanna says. Rick and Kate express their love back to her parents before having Royce blow them a kiss. "That went well." Rick says and she nods, "A lot better than the last time we told them I was pregnant." She jokes.
    He smiles and shakes his head before kissing her forehead, "Let's call Mother and then we can send a picture of Royce's shirt to the gang." Rick says as he FaceTimes his mother, "Hello, darlings, how are you?" Martha asks, "We're good. We just wanted to call and tell you something." Rick says, "Is Katherine pregnant again?" Martha asks and they both laugh as Rick angles the phone to show Martha Royce's shirt. "We're having another one!" Kate says. Martha cheers, "Congratulations Kiddos! Everyone is healthy, yes?" Martha asks.
    "Yep, so far so good. I'm due in August and I'm about 13 weeks along right now." Kate says. "That's so exciting. I would love to stay around and chat, but I've got to get to my next class. Ta!" They say goodbye and then hang up. "Ready to try and capture a picture?" Kate asks. They get Royce into the living room and actually manage to get him to smile and show off his shirt. They pick a picture and then Kate sends it in a group chat that includes them, Lanie, Jenny, Kevin, and Javi:
Kate: *picture* Baby Castle #2 coming August 2016 :)
Lanie: SHUT UP! NO WAY!?!?
Javi: Lanie just screamed so loud in my ear. Congratulations! Can't wait for another little one to spoil!
Jenny: Aw, how sweet! Royce is going to be such a good big brother!
Lanie: CALL ME ASAP, KATHERINE CASTLE! How far along are you? When did you find out?
Kevin: Congratulations guys! :)
Kate: I'm 13 weeks. We found out around Christmas.
"I'd say everyone's pretty excited." Rick says. Kate smiles and nods, "I'm excited too." She says. He leans down and kisses her before they both lay their hands on their bump where their next baby rests. A baby who already has so much love coming their way.
Part 13! Cat is out of the bag! Everyone knows! Let me know what you think!

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