Part 4

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August 15, 2015
      After last month's incident with the negative pregnancy tests, Rick proposed that he and his wife get away for a little while. His mother had been dying for an excuse to come visit, and he wondered if maybe they were so stressed and their bodies picked up on it which was causing them some trouble conceiving. Maybe they just needed somewhere they could go and relax. Enjoy some quality time as just husband and wife. When he found the Wild Horse Inn in the Outer Banks he knew it would be perfect.
      The rooms came with everything they'd need for a few days, so they wouldn't even have to leave if they wanted. It was only a four and a half hour drive, so they should be there by 7:00 tonight. His mother got in yesterday and was excited to get some alone time with her grandson. "Okay, Bubba, Mama and Dada are gonna be gone for a few days, so you have to be good for Grandma." Kate tells Royce. The little boy nods, "Bye Mama. Bye Dada." Royce waves to both of them making the adults chuckle. "Can we have hugs and kisses?" Rick asks.
      The boy runs into his father's arms. Rick kisses his forehead and then passes him to Kate who squeezes him. "I love you, Bubba." She whispers as she ruffles his curls and kisses his nose. Royce squirms, wanting to get down. They thank Martha once again and then head out. Once they're in the car, he can feel her tension. "He's gonna be okay." Rick says. She looks over at him and nods, "I know. We should get going so we don't get there too late." She says as she buckles her seatbelt. He sighs and starts the car.
     The tension has grown in their relationship over the last month. She snapped at him a lot easier than usual. In bed, they didn't cuddle like they usually did. Other than to discuss Royce, they barely talk to one another. It made him sad. This wasn't what marriage should be. They'll be married for three months in two days and one of those months have been constantly walking on eggshells as to not upset his wife. They don't speak a word to each other the whole drive. In fact, she sleeps for about 90% of it.
      When they make it to the inn, he checks them in before they carry their bags up to their room. "Wow, this is nice." She says as she looks around. "Yeah, it'll be a nice little home away from home for the next four days." He says. They unpack their things in silence. "I'm going to take a shower." She says. Usually he'd try to invite himself to join her, but based on her tone she wanted to shower alone. "I'm going to order room service. Do you want something?" He asks. She nods, "Yeah, just get me something small." She answers before disappearing into the bathroom.
       He orders some strawberries and champagne before unloading the candles he packed. When the room service arrives, he tips the caterer before placing the champagne and strawberries on the bed. Then he waits. She opens the door with damp hair and dressed in one of his shirts that basically swallows her. He can see the shock in her eyes when she sees the set up. "I know you've been feeling upset about the tests and this is not so we'll have sex. This is supposed to be a relaxing vacation, so if you don't want to do anything but sleep, I understand. But I thought relaxing can still be made romantic." He says.
    She can't help the smile that graces her face. "This is very sweet." She says. He smiles too. She walks over to him and, for what feels like the first time in forever, touches him. She wraps her arms around his neck. He wraps his around her waist. Their foreheads touch, "I know I've been a bitch lately. I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that." She apologizes. "You haven't been a bitch. You've just been upset." He assures her by running a hand up and down her back.
       She shakes her head, "I've been short with you. I haven't been the wife I promised to be. I do love you, Rick. If it's just us and Royce forever I'm fine with that. Really, I am. I just can't help but feel like my body is failing." She admits. "You're body isn't failing, beautiful. We've only been trying for a couple of months. It could just take a bit longer this time. It's not like we were actually trying for Royce and think about how long we were having sex before getting pregnant with him." He points out.
     She nods in agreement. "I've never thought of it that way." She admits. He kisses her forehead, "You know I love you, right?" She asks. He looks at her quizzically, "Of course. Babe, you're gonna have bad times. I'm going to also. The important thing is that we don't hide from each other during those times. We've survived a lot together, you and I." He reminds her. She chuckles and nods, "Yeah we have." She agrees. He leans down and captures her lips with his, "How about some Friends reruns while we enjoy strawberries and champagne?" He offers.
     She bites her bottom lip, "Or, we could put the strawberries and champagne to other uses." She raises her eyebrow and nuzzles his nose with hers in an Eskimo kiss. "We don't have to, Kate." She presses her lips to his, "I want to. How am I supposed to get pregnant?" He chuckles and lifts her in his arms before lowering her to the bed. "I love you." He says as he stares down into her eyes. Tears glimmer in her hazel irises, "I love you too." She pulls on his neck so his lips meet hers in a kiss.
Part 4. Comment please! Let me know what you think.

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