Falling of Stars

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((I've decided to start off with a long one. For the fun of it!))
((Caleb faces an unlikely foe))

Koji wasn't very happy about Caleb following him to the schoolyard. He was still very much angry at him ever since the brawl they had concerning what Caleb tried doing to Mela. It was when they reached the schoolyard that Caleb spoke up.
"You really thought I wouldn't catch your dumb ass trying to sneak out?!" Caleb snarled.
"Cassiopeia asked for me, not you!" Koji snapped back, "Maybe it would've been you she called, if you didn't try crushing someone's head with Koraidon!"
"It got answers!"
"It was fucking immoral!"
"You should've just stayed with the Galarian cow!"
"AT LEAST PENNY ISN'T AS FUCKED UP AS YOU!!" Koji screamed, then regained himself, "You used to be someone we could rely on. But then you go and-!"


The two boys looked ahead to see who spoke. The person was wearing a hood, and a cloak that was the theme of a galaxy. She said nothing, as the two were suspicious.
"C-Cassie?" Koji asked.
"Yes," Cassiopeia spoked, "It's me. Why is he here?"
"I followed him," Caleb spat, "Now start yapping, you Team Star dog!
"Figures," Cassiopeia spat speaking through the voice changer on her mask, "I shouldn't have expected anything less from the psychopath who calls me a cow and tries to murder people with their ride!"
"Wait...what?" Koji was confused, "How the hell do you know this?"
Cassiopeia then threw the cloak and the mask, revealing her true identity. Caleb and Koji's eyes widened in collective shock.

"Penny?!" Caleb gasped, "You're Cassa...Carina...what even is the word?"
"Cassiopeia, dumbass," Penny growled, "I knew you'd follow Koji."
"What?!" Koji's mind was in a frenzy as he tried to swallow this revelation, "N...n-no! Pen-pen wouldn't be the leader of Team Star."
"And yet here I am," Penny smirked, "And I gotta say, both of your reactions are funnier than what I would've expected to come outta this. I've had eyes EVERYWHERE, because I knew it was a matter of time before you did something crazy, but after what you did to Mela, I know what I need to do. Caleb...your little road of violence ends now."
"I knew you Galarian cows are always up to something!" Caleb spat, "People saw you as a friend! Koji saw you as a friend, as idiotic as it was for him looking back now! You're as dumb as Nemona to think-!"
"Oh really?" Penny cut him off, "Well then you're more of a dumbass than I thought. Did y'all ever think the reason I was constantly ditching school and was super secretive was because of something? I can't believe y'all thought that was normal behavior. I wanted to disband Team Star. But after what you did...I want Team Star to live on! I can't just roll over and let you hurt them anymore without putting up a fight!"

"I was right to be beating up Team Stars leaders," Caleb cracked his knuckles with a sadistic smirk, "But you...oh, I'm gonna enjoy pummeling you. Koji! I know we have our differences now, but we need to stop her!"
"Penny..." Koji felt sick now, "...how could you...?"
He shook his head, as he readied his pokeball, with Caleb and Penny doing the same. Caleb released his Druddigon, as he waited for Koji to release his ace.



"Koji," Caleb looked at his former friend, "What are you doing?"
Penny had picked up on Koji's hesitation. She wasn't going to let this slide, no matter how much pity she felt for breaking his trust like this. She was ready to get serious, which meant using her full power. Her finger was on the button of her pokeball as she waited for Koji to stop holding himself back. She would put an end to Caleb's anger and-

"I...I-I can't," Koji sighed, "Not against her."
"What?" Penny said to herself.
"What?!" Caleb looked dumbfounded, "Koji, I know you're close, but taking her down might-!"
"I KNOW!!" Koji replied, tears falling down his eyes, "But I...I can't fight her. She's...she's my friend. And...she always will be."

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