Chapter 14

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"This is weird" I tell Kacey as she sits down on my bed.

"It really is. I never thought that the man we thought was bad could really be the good guy!" Kacey yells exasperated.

"We are going to have to report back to Erik" I say adjusting my sling.

"We do. How's your arm?" 

"Better, I have to visit the doctor soon to get it checked." I say.

"Well I wish you luck" She smiles.

"Thank you" I smile. "I should be going now" I walk out down the hall to the room where Roberto fixed my arm.

"Ah you did come" He smiles. 

"Yes. I'm going to need my left arm."

"And whys that?" He asks putting the medicine in the needle.

"It will be a lot easier to use a gun" I snap.

He gives a nod. "Make's sense."

"Of course it does" I smirk.

"Okay I'm going to need you to sit still I need to numb the area" 

I sit as still as I can as he moves the clothes of my shoulder and injects the needle.  He then looks at the wound.

"It's doing better then I thought. It's healing at an incredible rate." He says still looking at the area.


"Yes. I don't know how though. I gave you the same treatment I give others yet your healing faster" He says finally looking up. "Anything you need to tell me?"

"I don't need to tell you anything." I snap. "But I don't know why I'm healing faster"

"Alright" He backs up. " Your free to go. Keep your arm in the sling for awhile longer. You don't need another checkup unless something happens"

"Okay" I stand up grab the sling with my good hand and walk out. I open the door to my room and slam it close Kacey jumps.

"What's the matter?" Kacey asks

"Dunno. Just mad." 

"Ok.. Want to explain?"


"Fair enough." She's quiet for a minute then asks "When are we going home?" 

"I don't know" I admit.

"Hopefully soon" 

"Yeah. This place is nice and all but it doesn't make sense. Remember that girl? Lillyana? her mom was happy to se her. If she was being abused why was her mother happy to see her?" 

"I didn't really think about that..." Kacey admits

"Either the kids I questioned were lying or we have another kidnapper." I state.

"Exactly... we need more research" Kacey says.

"We can search tonight" I suggest.

"Just like old times."

"Just like old times." I smile. "You should go get some rest. We are going to need it"

"Ok" She walks out. "See you soon Iris"

Once she's gone I get into my gear grabbing two knives and two guns.

"Now what do I do now?" I ask myself sitting on the bed.  


I'm sorry for the short chapter I'm losing motivation

The Killer PrincessWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt