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Okay, okay, calm down Ashley ! The mysterious and sexy boy just gave you his number, that's nothing... Wait, did he really did this ? I can't even breath corretly ! 

Okay, Okay, calm down, take 3 deep breathes, and just send a message !

Hello, who are you ? I got so much numbers today, I don't remember who you are.

Yeah, I know, it's kinda dumb... I only got his number, but, you know, to start the conversation, it's a good idea. Okay let's stop overthinking.

Hum, I'm the boy you met at the grocery, my name is Pedro, remember ? 

Yay! My idea is a beautiful success, and, OF COURSE i remember this beautiful face and those eyes... okay, keep your fcking calm, Ashley, it's just a boy... No, in fact it's the most handsome boy I never meet. 

Oh, yeah, I remember you ! 

Okay please, just start a conversation now, Pedro, and, what is this ugly name ? okay, anyways, we don't even care, Ashley, stay concentrate, I'm begging you ! 

What's your favorite sport ?

Yesss ! wait... I don't even do sport ! I'm such bad at every sport... Okay, I don't have any choice, let's lie. It's not a BIIIIIG thing.. Just a little lie.. Ashley, you need to type now ! 

Hm, I think Ping pong, tennis table... You know this sport ? 

Am I dumb ? OF COURSE he knows tennis table ! but... To be honest I don't know if it's "ping pong" or "tennis table"... What if he ask me to play this sport with him ?!

Yeah, I know it ! Mine is soccer ! 

Soccer ?! The sport in the one everyone is fighting for a stupid ball ? I hate this sport, but, ANYWAYS, we don't care... Or, yeah, we care ! It's the worst sport ever ! Why not, I don't know, swimming, basket, rugby ? No, it HAD to be soccer ! 

Oh, yeah, I like soccer too, but I don't really know how to play honestly...

A lie again, Am I a liar now ?! 

It's totally okay, don't worry. What's your hobby ?

My hobby ? I'm really not interesting at all, like, I'm not doing anything in my life ! Let's lie, AGAIN


Oh, god. Everytimes I'm opening a book, I'm just sleeping on it, so annoying ! How people are doing to read for 4 hours ?! 

Woah, such a good hobby ! Mine's Cooking.

Cooking ? Okay know i'm laughing out of loud... COOKING ?! Boys aren't supposed to love brutal sports ?


---Chers lecteurs ne me tuez pas, ce n'est que la pensée d'Ashley, non la mienne, ce sont des préjugés, je ne juge pas ça, c'est JUSTE dans le livre.---

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