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(In the canteen:)

Shanaya: "Meera, can you believe we're finally in college? It feels surreal!"

Meera: "I know, right? And did you see Virat today? Every girl in class was swooning over him."

Shanaya: (rolls eyes) "Yeah, I noticed. I don't get what the fuss is about. He's just another rich guy with an attitude and good in studies."

Meera: (smirks) "Come on, Shanaya. Admit it, he's good looking. And being the son of Mr. Ahuja doesn't hurt either. Plus, he's good in studies you have noticed it today."

Shanaya: (shrugs) "Looks can be deceiving. I'm more interested in making the most of college and focusing on my studies."

Meera: "Speaking of studies, have you checked out our timetable? Looks like we have some challenging subjects ahead."

Shanaya: "I did. It's going to be a busy semester, but I'm ready for it. We've got this, Meera."

Meera: "Absolutely!

Shanaya: "Now, pass me some fries, will you?"

Meera: (passes the fries) "Here you go. So, any plans for the weekend?"

Shanaya: (nods while munching on fries) "Not really. I might catch up on some reading and maybe practice a bit of Taekwondo. What about you?"

Meera: "I'm thinking of checking out that new café downtown with a few friends. You should come along!"

Shanaya: (smiles) "That sounds fun. I'll let you know if I can make it. By the way, have you met anyone interesting in our class besides Virat?"

Meera: "Well, there's this guy virat's best friend karan. He's pretty chill and seems friendly. Oh, and I think he's into photography too."

Shanaya: (pauses, looking intrigued) "Karan, huh? He's into photography? That's cool."

Meera: (nodding) "Yeah, he was talking about capturing some amazing shots during his recent trip. Seems like he's really passionate about it."

Shanaya: "It's always nice to meet people with different interests.

Meera: "Oh, and speaking of Virat, I overheard some girls talking about a party he's hosting this weekend. It's supposed to be a big deal."

Shanaya: (raises eyebrows) "A party? That's unexpected. I wonder what the occasion is."

Meera: "Not sure, but it might be a good opportunity to socialize and meet more people from our class."

Shanaya: (smirks) "Or dodge the drama and enjoy a quiet evening somewhere else."

Meera: (laughs) "Fair point. We'll see how it goes. For now, let's focus on acing our classes and having a great semester."

Shanaya: "Agreed. Let's finish up here and head to class. I have a feeling today's lecture is going to be interesting."

Meera: "I hope so! let's finish up here. We don't want to be late for our next class."

Shanaya: "Thanks for the fries, Meera."

Meera: "Anytime, Shanaya."

(They gather their things and head to their next classes)

Karan: (smirking) "So, Virat, what's the deal with you and Shanaya? You've been sitting together in class quite a lot."

Virat: (rolling his eyes) "It's just a seating arrangement, Karan. Nothing more."

Siddharth: (teasingly) "Come on, Virat. We all know you're not one to sit next to just anyone. Shanaya must have something special."

Virat: (trying to brush it off) "She's just a classmate, guys. Can we talk about something else?"

Karan: (playfully nudging Virat) "Sure, sure. But I'm telling you, You two are definitely made for each other."

Virat: (smirking but pretending to be annoyed) "Alright, enough of this matchmaking talk. Let's focus on enjoying our food, shall we?"

Siddharth: (grinning) "Fine, but don't say we didn't warn you when you realize Shanaya's the one."

(They continue their meal, with Virat secretly pondering over his friends' teasing words about Shanaya.)

(Class started:-)

Shanaya: whispering to Virat during the lecture "Hey, Virat, do you have an extra pen? Mine's not working."

Virat: with attitude, annoyed "Can you be quiet? Can't you see I'm trying to ignore you?"

Shanaya: trying to remain calm "I'm just asking for a pen, Virat. No need to get so irritated."

Teacher: (firmly) "Shanaya, Virat, I've warned you both about disruptions before. It's clear that there was a disturbance caused by your conversation. You both need to understand the importance of maintaining discipline during class."

Shanaya: (trying to explain) "But ma'am, I was just asking for a pen. I didn't mean to disrupt the class."

Virat: (frustrated) "Exactly, ma'am. Shanaya was the one who kept talking to me. I was trying to focus on the lecture."

Teacher: (looking between them) "I understand, but regardless of who initiated the conversation, talking during class is not allowed. It's a distraction for everyone."

Shanaya: (nodding, realizing her mistake) "I'm sorry, ma'am. It won't happen again."

Virat: (grudgingly) "Yes, ma'am. I'll be more careful

Teacher: "Good. Now, please wait outside until the class ends."

(Shanaya and Virat reluctantly step outside, each feeling a bit frustrated with the situation but understanding the need for discipline in the classroom.)

Virat: (whispering to Shanaya as they stand outside the classroom) "Great, Shanaya. Now we're both stuck here because of your need for a pen."

Shanaya: (defensive) "I already apologized for asking. It's not like I wanted this to happen."

Virat: (sarcastically) "Well, congratulations. Now we're both getting punished for your little request."

Shanaya: (getting annoyed) "I don't see how this is entirely my fault. You could have just ignored me and focused on the lecture."

Virat: (raising his voice slightly) "Oh, it's my fault now? You're the one who kept talking, Shanaya!"

Shanaya: (exasperated) "I was asking for a pen, Virat! Can't we just drop it and wait for the class to end?"

Virat: (sighing) "Fine. Let's just stand here quietly until the teacher lets us back in."

(They stand in silence, both feeling frustrated and blaming each other for the situation they're in.)

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